Catholic Activity: Jesse Tree, Day 4 — Noah



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Symbols: Ark, Animals, Dove with branch, Rainbow

God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them: Be fertile and multiply and fill the earth....God said: This is the sign of the covenant that I am making between me and you and every living creature with you for all ages to come: I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Genesis 9:1, 12-13)

When Noah finally left the Ark and settled on dry land, he built an altar to worship the Lord who had saved him. God placed a rainbow in the sky as token of his resolve to never visit such a disaster over the face of the earth again.

Noah was a savior, preserving the natural life of all within the Ark; Christ bring supernatural life to mankind and preserves that life within His Mystical Body, the Church.

The Church also views Noah's Ark "prefiguring of salvation by Baptism" (CCC, 1219). The Easter Vigil blessing of water includes:

O God, who by the outpouring of the flood
foreshadowed regeneration,
so that from the mystery of one and the same element of water
would come an end to vice and a beginning of virtue.


Recommended Scripture Readings:

  • Genesis 6:5-8
  • Genesis 7:11-16
  • Genesis 8:15-16
  • Genesis 9:12-13

Selections from The Catechism of the Catholic Church:

  • CCC 54-64 Revelation: In the beginning God makes himself known
  • CCC 701 The Dove
  • CCC 1080 Covenant with Noah
  • CCC 1217-1228 Prefigurations of Baptism in the Old Covenant

Jesse Tree Overview
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Printable PDF Jesse Tree guide: The Jesse Tree: Advent 2024.

Activity Source: Original Text (JGM) by Jennifer Gregory Miller, © Copyright 2003-2024 by Jennifer Gregory Miller