Catholic Activity: Jesse Tree, Day 7 — Isaac
Symbols: Bundle of Wood, Ram
“Do not lay your hand on the boy,” said the angel. “Do not do the least thing to him. For now I know that you fear God, since you did not withhold from me your son, your only one.” (Genesis 22:12)
God promised Abraham to have descendants as numerous as the stars, but he and his wife Sarah were old and childless. Isaac was their long hoped for son, a gift from God, their only son. After receiving this great gift of a son, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son.
Isaac was a type, or symbol of Christ. Both carried up a mount the wood on which they were to be sacrificed. Isaac was the only son of Abraham, Christ was the only begotten Son of God.
The altar with the slain lamb is a prefigurement of the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Recommended Scripture Readings:
- Genesis 22:1-19
- Genesis 26:1-5
Selections from The Catechism of the Catholic Church:
- CCC 205 God Reveals His Name
- CCC 1077-1083 The Father—Source and Goal of the Liturgy
- CCC 1817-1821 Theological Virtue of Hope
Jesse Tree Overview
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Printable PDF Jesse Tree guide: The Jesse Tree: Advent 2023
Activity Source: Original Text (JGM) by Jennifer Gregory Miller, © Copyright 2003-2023 by Jennifer Gregory Miller