Catholic Recipe: Unleavened Bread
Also Called: Matzoh, Matzah
A traditional Holy Thursday Seder meal always includes unleavened bread. This recipe tastes better than matzohs, and doesn't follow the "kosher" Jewish laws, but merely embraces the idea that this recipe contains no leaven, as we read from the book of Exodus.
After many years of eating store-bought matzohs for our family's Holy Thursday meal, this recipe is a welcome treat. Make small pieces and then one large matzoh to share together (break and each person gets a piece). — Jennifer Gregory Miller
Mix salt, flour, and egg [Editor's note: and butter --JGM]. Add the water, mix dough quickly with a knife, then knead on board, stretching it up and down to make it elastic until it leaves the board clean. Toss on a small, well-floured board. Cover with a hot bowl and keep warm 1/2 hour or longer. [Roll out very thinly.] Then cut into squares of desired size [prick with a fork] and bake in 350° oven until done. [When doubling recipe, do not double the amount of butter. This recipe tastes better when thin and cooked until crisp. --JGM]
Recipe Source: Around the Year with the Trapp Family by Maria Augusta Trapp, Pantheon Books Inc., New York, New York, 1955