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Lent: March 1st

Friday of the Second Week of Lent

Other Commemorations: St. David of Wales (RM; Feast, Wales and England)


March 01, 2024 (Readings on USCCB website)



Friday of the Second Week of Lent: Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, purifying us by the sacred practice of penance, you may lead us in sincerity of heart to attain the holy things to come. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.


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Today’s first reading and Gospel draw a parallel between Joseph, sold into slavery by his brothers and Jesus, the well-beloved Son of the Father, put to death by the religious leaders of the Jews. Together with the prediction of the passion there is here the condemnation of the wicked servants of God whose proud infidelity is set in opposition to His providential plans.

The pharisees and the high priests to whom Jesus was speaking felt that they were being referred to. They were broken on Him whom they wished to cast out. For being unfaithful and rejecting the Messiah they were themselves rejected and henceforwards the people of God, which includes all nations, will be ruled by a hierarchy whose mission is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit. —St. Andrew Daily Missal

The Roman Martyrology commemorates St. David (542-601), Bishop and patron of Wales. The Church in Wales and England celebrates this saint as a Feast. Very little is known about the life of St. David (Dewi Sant). He belonged to that great monastic movement which became influential in Wales in the sixth century and which had links with monasticism in Gaul and in Ireland. The earliest references to David are in the Irish Annals. Many churches across South Wales claim David as their founder. His chief foundation was at Mynyw or Menevia in Dyfed. He was canonized by Pope Callistus II in 1123.

Today's Station Church >>>

Meditation on the Liturgy
In one of the primitive prophecies the Messiah is referred to as the one that is to be sent (Genesis 49:10). The Liturgy presents him to us today in figure and in parable. It tells us the fate he met at the hands of his own brethren. It is a sad story of blind rejection and human ingratitude. The cry "Kill him," has been shrieking down the rugged way of human history from the days of Cain. But God, the master of his plan and our destiny, is not going to let his Messiah be defeated by his enemies. He brings him back to life and glory.

The Church shares and feels this rejection of Christ in the persecution of her members: in the hearts of missionaries expelled from their posts and of Christians imprisoned for the crime of loyalty to God. With firm hope she is looking forward to her own full resurrection and glorification with Christ the Messiah.

Joseph is a type of Christ. He was rejected by his own brothers. Later, God made him their savior. All this is intended by God as a type of what Christ was to go through at the hands of his enemies. If we are of Christ we shall experience a like rejection in our own lives so as to help Christ to save others.

In the Gospel Christ has told us the sad story of his rejection by the chosen people; and of the terrible fate awaiting them. He also reminded his hostile audience that the stone which they rejected has become the corner stone. Humiliation and rejection is the path to glory. This is the way of the Lord. Our Lenten effort is to stay with the Lord at all costs, with the strength provided by the Eucharist.
—St. Andrew Bible Missal

St. David of Wales
All the information we have about David is based on the unreliable eleventh-century biography written by Rhygyfarch, the son of Bishop Sulien of St. David's. According to it David was the son of King Sant of South Wales and St. Non, became a priest, studied under St. Paulinus on an unidentified island for several years, and then engaged in missionary activities, founding some dozen monasteries, the last of which, at Mynyw (Menevia) in southwestern Wales, was noted for the extreme asceticism of its rule, which was based on that of the Egyptian monks. David attended a synod at Brefi, Cardiganshire, in about 550 where his eloquence is said to have caused him to be elected primate of the Cambrian Church with the understanding that the episcopal see would be moved from Caerleon to Mynyw, now St. David's. He was supposedly consecrated archbishop by the patriarch of Jerusalem while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and a council he convened, called the Synod of Victory because it marked the final demise of Pelagianism, ratified the edicts of Brefi, and drew up regulations for the British Church. He died at his monastery at Mynyw, and his cult was reputedly approved by Pope Callistus II about 1120. Even his birth and death dates are uncertain, ranging from c. 454 to 520 for the former and from 560 to 601 for the latter.
—Excerpted from Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney

Patronage: doves; Wales

Symbols and Representation: leek; dove; daffodil; Celtic bishop with long hair, beard and dove on shoulder; bishop holding cathedral; preaching on a hill; man standing on a mound with a dove on his shoulder

Highlights and Things to Do:

  • Read more about St. David:
  • Find out more about the Welsh customs surrounding this day here and here.
  • St. David was buried in St. David's Cathedral in Pembrokeshire, Wales. From Wiki: "His shrine was a popular place of pilgrimage throughout the Middle Ages. During the 10th and 11th centuries the Cathedral was regularly raided by Vikings, who removed the shrine from the church and stripped off the precious metal adornments. In 1275 a new shrine was constructed, the ruined base of which remains to this day, which was originally surmounted by an ornamental wooden canopy with murals of David, Patrick and Denis. The relics of David and Justinian of Ramsey Island were kept in a portable casket on the stone base of the shrine. It was at this shrine that Edward I came to pray in 1284. During the reformation Bishop Barlow (1536–48), a staunch Protestant, stripped the shrine of its jewels and confiscated the relics of David and Justinian."
  • So often the celebrations forget the historical and religious contributions of St. David. Read this 16 things you (probably) didn’t know about St David’s Day traditions.
  • Leeks and daffodils are visually prominent in this day. Cook something with leeks, and decorate with the sign of spring--beautiful yellow daffodils.
  • See Catholic Cuisine for some food ideas for St. David's Day.

Friday of the Second Week of Lent
Station with San Vitale (St. Vitalis):

The Station for today is in the church of St. Vitalis, martyr, the father of the two illustrious Milanese martyrs, Sts. Gervasius and Protasius. The church was built about 400, and consecrated by Pope Innocent I in 401/2. The dedication to St. Vitalis and his family was given in 412. The church has been rebuilt several times, of which the most comprehensive rebuilding was that of Pope Sixtus IV before the 1475 Jubilee. It was then granted to Clerics Regular.

For more on San Vitale, see:

For further information on the Station Churches, see The Stational Church.