St. Joseph — a Compilation

by Various

Descriptive Title

St. Joseph -- a Compilation


A compilation of documents featured in Catholic Culture library about St. Joseph.

Publisher & Date

Original, January 27, 2001

Saint Joseph is Foster Father of Jesus Christ and Patron of the Universal Church. His solemnity is celebrated on March 19, and the memorial of St. Joseph the Worker is on May 1. The following are some of Catholic Culture's featured documents on this wonderful saint:

Papal Teachings on St. Joseph

Quamquam Pluries (On Devotion to St. Joseph)
Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII promulgated on August 15, 1889.

Redemptoris Custos (Guardian of the Redeemer)
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope St. John Paul II On August 15, 1989

Patris Corde (With a Father's Heart)
Apostolic Letter on St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church 2020 of Pope Francis on December 8, 2020

Meditations and Sermons on St. Joseph

St. Joseph: Man of Trust
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1980

Unity of the Family and Respect for Life
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1981

St. Joseph, a Witness to Fulfillment of the Promise
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1982

St. Joseph the Worker, Man of Faith and Prayer
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1983

The Family Is a Community of Love, Life and Prayer
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1987

The Pope Goes on 'Spiritual Pilgrimage' to the Family
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1992

St. Joseph Continues in His Role as Protector of the Body of Christ
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 1993

Mary and Joseph Lived Gift of Virginity
Pope John Paul II, August 21, 1996

St. Joseph, Image of God's Fatherly Love
Pope John Paul II, March 21, 1999

Holy Family Teaches Us What Is Essential
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 2000

Love And Serve The Church Like St Joseph
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 2001

Homily on the Solemnity of St. Joseph
Pope John Paul II, March 19, 2001

St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
Pope John Paul II, March 26, 2003

Further Discussions on St. Joseph

John XXIII: Pope of Saint Joseph
Blaine Burkey, O.F.M. The American Ecclesiastical Review - July 1963

Finding St. Joseph
Sandra Miesel. History and devotions of St. Joseph

St. Joseph: A Theological Introduction
Michael D. Griffin, O.C.D. This study of St. Joseph covers his place in Sacred Scripture, the writings of theologians and devotion to him as proposed by the Church.

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