
Best Practices of the Church

Only Mary is without sin. We are not. His Holiness Pope Peter denied Jesus three times. His Excellency Archbishop Matthew the Evangelist was among the hated tax collectors. His Eminence Judas Cardinal Iscariot betrayed Jesus. The sins of the twelve would keep parish gossips busy.

A remarkable resurgence of Catholic education and formation

Granted that these superior institutions educate only a very small minority of those who go to ostensibly “Catholic” colleges or seek education “in the Jesuit tradition” (a sobriquet increasingly trotted out to mask a lack of Catholicity), they are an important sign of vitality in American Catholicism. But what I find most interesting at this moment is the extension of this authentically Catholic intelligence into vocational training on the one hand, and serious scientific endeavor on the other.

Book Review: Saints Around the World

Honest Review of Meg Kilmer-Hunter's book Saints Around the World and the 5 volume collection Saints Around the World for Little Ones. Highly recommended for children ages 6-12.

St. John Henry Newman—The Oxford Sermons | 1. The Philosophical Temper, First Enjoined by the Gospels

"The philosopher might speculate, but the theologian must submit to learn."

WHO should pay to help migrants?

The focus of the current debate is on what our federal government should do. A debate on what we should do, through our own private efforts, would be a much healthier discussion.

The Conundrum of Parish Involvement

Pastors rightfully seek ways to involve the lay faithful in as many aspects of parish life as possible. It’s a simple calculus: the more the faithful engage in various parish events, the more they come to love their parish. They will then support more events, make the parish seem alive and attractive to others, and, most importantly, their efforts will push them to grow deeper in their own faith.

Should Biden be excommunicated for joining the Masons?

So where does that leave Joe Biden, who has continued to profess his Catholic faith, attend Mass, and receive Communion regularly? He is forbidden to receive Communion. But then he was already forbidden to receive Communion!

190—Fulton Sheen, Convert Maker—Cheryl C.D. Hughes

A new biography of Ven. Fulton Sheen gives special attention to his high-profile converts, but reveals many other interesting facets of his life as well. Author Cheryl Hughes joins to discuss Sheen’s at times shockingly direct evangelization methods, his outstanding television presence, his lifelong struggle with vanity and ambition, and the mistreatment he suffered from his rival, Cardinal Spellman.

“I am a human being”: The Elephant Man (1980), w/ Andrew Petiprin

Andrew Petiprin joins James and Thomas to discuss the late David Lynch's most uplifting film, The Elephant Man. The film is based on the real Victorian-era life of Joseph Merrick, a man who suffered terrible abuse because of his extreme deformities, yet whose human dignity was ultimately recognized and allowed to flourish by those who rescued him and cared for him with Christian compassion.

Should I add great Catholic essays to’s library?

Though she may be often remembered now for the support she gave to a troubled Francis Thompson, author of the very well-known poem “The Hound of Heaven”, Alice Meynell was a fine poet and essayist in her own right.

True God and True man: The Practical Paradox

Jesus – true God-- leads us to the Father: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.” (Jn.14:6) Jesus – true man – humanizes reverence with His divine love as true God.

My grandmother, the emergent Catholic right, and why Massimo misses it

"I was not wrong," writes Wolfgang of his 1990s plunge into Catholic conservatism. "I was early." The goals those 1990s Catholic groups sought to achieve may now be accomplished—with far greater effectiveness—by today's Catholic conservatism.

St. Vincent Ferrer—On the Purification of Mary

“This present feast is one of the greater of the whole year... Because there are three grades of sanctity which we celebrate in this feast.”

The Church: Always spiritual, sometimes corporal, never political

The plain truth is that we have heard far more from the Catholic Church over the last fifty years about which prudential governmental policies to support than about which version of Catholic faith and morals to support. Or at least this has been predominately true throughout the West. We have even sometimes heard more about the right choice among political candidates than about the right choice between Satan and Christ.

Vance vs. the bishops on immigration, Part III

Whereas the outgoing Biden administration avoided open confrontation with the Catholic hierarchy, the new crew came into the White House spoiling for a fight.

Dreamt of learning Latin? Here’s how you’ll finally do it

An encomium to the amazing Latin textbook Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata. Thomas Mirus explains the natural method of language learning used by Hans Ørberg, argues for its superiority to the commonly used "grammar-translation" method, and offers suggestions for how to use this textbook if you're studying on your own.

Vance vs. the bishops on immigration, Part II

Reasonable Americans should readily understand why churches, especially, should be treated as “sensitive locations” or “protected areas,” not subject to government incursions.

5.3 St. Bede: The Father of English History

In this second episode on St. Bede the Venerable (c. 673–735 AD), Dr. Papandrea talks about the literary legacy of this Doctor of the Church. Bede is not only considered the “father of English history,” but also the “father of English education.” Although he is now most famous for his Ecclesiastical History of England, his contribution to the Church is actually much greater than that.

Vance vs. the bishops on immigration, Part I

The USCCB declares that current immigration policies are “non-responsive to our country's need for labor.” Are the bishops really ready to align themselves with the cold-hearted business moguls who see mass immigration as a convenient source of cheap labor— of workers who will perform menial jobs for wages that native Americans would not accept?

IVF and the cross of not being able to conceive a child

There are many couples who are both open to and desirous of children who find themselves frustrated by an inability to conceive. This can be a heavy cross; it can also lead to a sense of having been judged unworthy by God, which is not the case at all. Having genuinely desired children, and having been frustrated in that desire, such couples can be secure in the assurance that Our Lord and Savior has willed for them a different form of fruitfulness that they must continue to discern in prayer.

The Hypocrisy of Modern Warfare

Statesmen and diplomats invoke international law and condemn ethnic cleansing and genocide. But men of faith are not embarrassed to invoke God’s laws.

Trump Inauguration and March for Life

Trump knocked it out of the park at his inauguration, wowed us at the March for Life, and has been "flooding the zone" ever since. Might he also back away from the campaign compromises that disheartened pro-lifers?

The problem with pluralism: Politics unguided by truth

While everyone should be able to apprehend the natural law, in actual human experience a broad recognition of the natural law has proven to be impossible in practice without the assistance of grace. We are now in the last stages of dissolution of awareness of the natural law in the once-Christian West, and the result is that the chief conflict among citizens is precisely a conflict between those who recognize and abide by the natural law and those who do not.

St. Francis de Sales—Introduction to the Devout Life | Full

Be sure that wherever our lot is cast we may and must aim at the perfect life.

No, the ERA is not part of the Constitution. But why not?

Ask yourself: Who is the most influential woman in American political history? There is only one intelligent answer to that question. So why don’t young American women even know her name?

If bishops want to be heard on immigration…

If bishops want to be heard on the topic of immigration, they need to exercise rigorous moral focus, honesty about the crisis we face, unskewed rhetoric, and a genuine effort to find common ground with those they hope to influence.

189—St. Boethius, Stoicism and Neoplatonism—Thomas Ward

St. Anicius Manlius Severius Boethius's book The Consolation of Philosophy, which he wrote in prison while awaiting martyrdom around the year 524, is one of the single most influential works for medieval philosophy and theology. Thomas Ward has just written a commentary on Boethius's dialogue for Word on Fire, entitled After Stoicism: Last Words of the Last Roman Philosopher.

Bogart under suspicion: In a Lonely Place (1950)

James and Thomas discuss Nicholas Ray's thrilling 1950 film noir In a Lonely Place. In an outstanding, nuanced performance, Humphrey Bogart plays quick-tempered screenwriter Dixon Steele, who enters into a fast-moving relationship with Laurel Gray (Gloria Grahame) just as he is under suspicion for the murder of another young woman. The investigation puts a strain on their romance, revealing the problems of relationships without the requisite mutual trust.

Honesty and Contagious Obedience to Jesus

When we ask God for favors, there is no harm in respectfully presenting all of our needs to God and concluding with love, “Thy will be done.”

An imperfect male’s guide to successful married life

Exemplify both an interior and exterior counter-cultural Catholicism in your single life and in your courtship, and then exemplify a those same virtues in your married life, beginning with prayer.

The Lamp magazine, assisted suicide, and the difference between Gen X and Millennial Catholics

What is going on here? Why am I—an older guy who has lived through the defeat of causes to which I have given my adult life—more upbeat about the future than the cynical young people at The Lamp? I have a few thoughts on that, based on having read the magazine during its first year of existence.

Pope Benedict XVI—Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love) | Part 2

To experience love and in this way to cause the light of God to enter into the world—this is the invitation I would like to extend with the present Encyclical.

The Habsburgs on marriage and family

One of the most important points Eduard Habsburg makes in this book is that to have a good marriage and a successful family life, you have to start by getting yourself right with God and the Church, including a commitment to God’s and the Church’s moral laws. You can’t build family life on pre-marital promiscuity or a determination to honor the complete and unrestricted liberty of your spouse and children.

Papal biographer unimpressed with papal autobiography

The problem— which many other reviewers have mentioned— is the absence of detail about the life of Pope Francis since he assumed Peter’s Throne.

The $5 billion cost of ecclesiastical corruption

And of course the monetary costs of the scandal— while easier to calculate— pale in comparison with the human costs: the suffering endured by victims of abuse, the disillusionment of millions of people, the collapse of Catholic influence in the public sphere, the loss of credibility in the hierarchy

5.2 St. Bede the Venerable: Monk and Scholar

In this episode, the first in our series on the Doctors of the Church, Dr. Papandrea introduces you to St. Bede the Venerable (c. 673–735 AD). He lived in a Benedictine monastery from the age of seven, and he wrote the first scholarly history of England and its conversion to Christianity. He is considered the “Father of English History” and the patron saint of historians.

Confirmed: the corruption Pope Francis chose not to expose

Pope Francis has never mentioned the three cardinals’ report, nor has he attacked the sources of corruption those senior prelates reportedly discovered.

Quick Hits: Francis & Biden; Episcopal self-control; and…Words

Good bishops tend to their own flocks by ensuring that Catholic teaching and Catholic practice are both held to the highest possible standards of fidelity to Jesus Christ. They don’t fly off on tangents unrelated to their responsibilities and their expertise, especially not to jump onto the various bandwagons that are always passing by.

The best movies I watched in 2024

Thomas Mirus lists the best movies he watched in 2024.

Solidarity, Original Sin, and Human Sacrifice

Like an inkblot, evil is expansive. I may regret my road rage but think nothing of its consequences. The recipient of my sin may go home and ruin a happy evening with his family.

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