Catholic Prayer: Ember Days Prayer


A translation of a prayer which is offered in every parish and convent of the diocese of Mainz, Germany, during the four Ember seasons.

From Orate Fratres: A Liturgical Review, Vol XVII December 27, 1942, No. 2, VI. The Pentecostal Ember Days.


Let us pray

Almighty and eternal God, hear our humble prayer, and give to Thy Church worthy priests, true shepherds and zealous ministers. Pour into them the blessings of Thy grace that they may always approach Thy altar with a pure heart, celebrate the Holy Sacrifice with faith and reverence, administer the holy sacraments with zeal, preach Thy holy gospel with joy and courage and, at the same time, walk before Thee with steadfast faith, ever shedding the light of a holy example and, by word and deed, edify Thy people.

Replenish, O God, with the spirit of wisdom and piety all those who are about to be admitted to holy orders. Infuse into them the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit which Thou hast given to the apostles, so that they may become chosen vessels of Thy grace and labor for the salvation of Thy people, extend Thy holy kingdom, instruct the faithful, encourage saints, admonish sinners, awaken the careless, console the afflicted and prepare the dying for the journey to their true home. The harvest indeed is great, and if Thou wouldn’t not supply laborers, there would soon be chaos and wilderness and Thy flock, O Lord, would be dispersed, fall into euro and perish.

Grant us also the grace to give our priests and spiritual leaders confidence, love and obedience, so that we will at no time burden their office by a lack of cooperation, but rather joyfully and gladly work with them who must render an account to God for our souls, so that none of us will be lost through his own fault. Under the heaven, through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Source: Orate Fratres/Worship: A Review Devoted to the Liturgical Apostolate , The Liturgical Press