July 2021 - Overview for the Month

The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not the sharing of the Blood of Christ?
The Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Simon Stock, holding in her hand a scapular, and directed him to found a Confraternity whose members should wear this scapular and consecrate themselves to her service. The Sabbatine privilege will then insure their early release from Purgatory on the Saturday after their death.
Recipe of the Month
Summer Apple Cake
The food associated with St. Swithin in legend and poetry is the apple, and his blessing is asked each year by the apple growers.
Recording the "memories" of Jesus' life with His friends and family is a wonderful way to gain more knowledge of Christ and enter more closely into the Paschal Mystery. Summer is a good time to start this project with your family.

The mother of Our Lady, whose loving care of her daughter is shown by the silver border with black masonry. The lily refers to the girlhood of the Virgin.
The Founder of the Society of Jesus, and writer of the "Spiritual Exercises." "IHS" and rays, with the letters "AMDG" meaning "To the greater glory of God".
The patron of builders. He is said to have built a Church with his own hands in East India. The spear refers to the instrument of his martyrdom.
St. Martha is mentioned as serving Christ with refreshment. A covered table with cloth, cups, pitcher and bowl containing fruit — all symbols of St. Martha's service.

Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls, save us.

The month of July is dedicated to The Precious Blood of Jesus. The entire month falls within the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.

The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of July 2021

Social Friendship: We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship. (See also Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network)

Feasts for July

The feasts on the General Roman Calendar celebrated during the month of July are:

1. Junípero Serra (USA),Opt. Mem.
3. Thomas, Apostle,Feast
5. Anthony Mary Zaccaria; Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen (USA),Opt. Mem.
6. Maria Goretti,Opt. Mem.
9. Augustine Zhao Rong & companions,Opt. Mem.
13. Henry,Opt. Mem.
14. Kateri Tekakwitha (USA),Memorial
15. Bonaventure,Memorial
16. Our Lady of Mount Carmel,Opt. Mem.
20. Apollinaris,Opt. Mem.
21. Lawrence of Brindisi,Opt. Mem.
22. Mary Magdalene,Feast
23. Bridget,Opt. Mem.
24. Sharbel (Charbel) Makhloof,Opt. Mem.
26. Joachim and Anne,Memorial
29. Martha, Mary and Lazarus,Memorial
30. Peter Chrysologus; Solanus Casey,Opt. Mem.
31. Ignatius of Loyola,Memorial

Focus of the Liturgy

The Gospel readings for the Sundays in July 2021 are taken from St. Mark and St. John— all are from Year B, Cycle 1.

July 4th - 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Our Lord teaches in the synagogue and is rejected by those present.

July 11th - 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus sends out the twelve apostles and gives them authority over unclean spirits.

July 18th - 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus invites the Apostles to "come away and rest a while."

July 25th - 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

This Gospel tells the story of the miracle of the loaves and fishes.

Highlights of the Month

July is usually hot and a time for relaxing. It is also the time when crops planted in the Spring are maturing and growing. Just as the crops are dependent upon summer rains not only to grow but to survive so our spiritual development is dependent upon our frequenting the sacraments and receiving the Blood of Christ.

The main feasts of this month are St. Junipero Serra (July 1), St. Thomas the Apostle (July 3), St. Anthony Mary and St. Elizabeth of Portugal (July 5), St. Maria Goretti, (July 6), St. Augustine Zhao Rong (July 9), St. Henry (July 13), Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha (USA - July 14), St. Bonaventure (July 15), Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (July 16),St. Apollinaris (Junly 20), St. Lawrence of Brindisi (July 21), St. Mary Magdalene (July 22), St. Bridget (July 23), St. Sharbel (July 24), Sts. Joachim and Anne (July 26), St. Peter Chrysologus (July 30), St. Ignatius of Loyola (July 31).

The feasts of St. Benedict (July 11), St. Camillus (July 18),and St. James (July 25) are superseded by the Sunday liturgy.

A Time of Regeneration

The Blood that coursed through the veins of Christ was a part of that Sacred Humanity made possible by the maternity of Mary, whose parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne are honored this month. (July 26). Our Lord's blood poured out on the Cross purchased our salvation, washed clean the robes of the martyrs, and gave birth to the Church as it flowed from his wounded side. The Precious Blood of Christ — now pulsing through his Mystical Body — continues its salvific work, preserving and purifying, repairing and providing nourishment for regeneration and renewal of its members.

July’s longer and warmer days also provide us with the opportunity for renewal, both interior and exterior. Schedules relax and pressures ease, inviting travel. But, whether we travel or not, like the missionary, St. Junipero Serra (July 1), we preach to others — by our conduct, our speech, even the clothes we wear. May we be modest in everything we do, imitating St. Maria Goretti, the young martyr for purity (July 6), and “preaching” Christ to everyone we meet.

The summer Readings of Ordinary Time remind us that our earthly pilgrimage is also a journey, a great adventure towards union with Christ, the Beginning and the End of our journey. Each Sunday with its Easter renewal becomes a mile marker along the way, linking where we have been with where we are going. May the Precious Blood of Jesus sustain us as we journey to our true home, with Mary and the angels as our companions on the way.