Compilation of Documents Regarding the Year for Priests

by Various


This compilation lists documents that pertain to the Year for Priests as well as documents and articles about the priesthood and individual priests.

Publisher & Date

Catholic Culture, June 2009

Year for Priests Documents

Year for Priests: Complete Identification with Christ
Benedict XVI (June 24, 2009)

Homily at Opening of the Year for Priests
Benedict XVI (June 19, 2009)

Letter to Clergy for the Year for Priests
Benedict XVI (June 16, 2009)

Clergy Congregation's Letter on Year for Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (June 5, 2009)

The Year of the Priest
Cardinal Justin Rigali (June 4, 2009)

Letter on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (May 29, 2009)

The Year for Priests
Congregation for the Clergy; Claudio Hummes (May 22, 2009)

Special Indulgence for the Year for Priests
Apostolic Penitentiary (April 25, 2009)

Vatican II

Decree on Priestly Training (Optatam Totius)
Vatican II (October 28, 1965)

Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis)
Vatican II (December 7, 1965)

Benedict XVI

New Channels to Communicate Perennial Truth of Gospel
Benedict XVI (June 21, 2009)

Formation of Priests Is a Delicate Mission
Benedict XVI (June 6, 2009)

Priests Must Live in Christ through Prayer
Benedict XVI (May 3, 2009)

The Missionary Identity of the Priest in the Church
Benedict XVI (March 16, 2009)

Meeting with Clergy of Rome
Benedict XVI (February 26, 2009)

Vespers with Priests, Religious, Seminarians and Deacons
Benedict XVI (September 12, 2008)

Meeting with the Clergy of the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone
Benedict XVI (August 6, 2008)

Prayer, the Most Important Moment of a Priest's Life
Benedict XVI (June 15, 2008)

New Priests Announcing and Bearing Witness to Hope
Benedict XVI (April 27, 2008)

Pope Speaks with Roman Priests on Lent, Evangelization, Judgment
Benedict XVI (February 7, 2008)

The "Adventure" of the Priesthood Is Necessary for the World
Benedict XVI (February 1, 2008)

Pope and Priests: Feet on Earth, Eyes on Heaven
Benedict XVI (July 24, 2007)

May the Lord of the Harvest Produce Many Holy Priests
Benedict XVI (April 29, 2007)

You Have Clothed Yourselves with Christ
Benedict XVI (April 5, 2007)

Meeting with the Clergy of the Rome Diocese
Benedict XVI (February 22, 2007)

Serve the Lord with Detachment from the World
Benedict XVI (October 13, 2006)

The Priesthood Is Not the Means for Social Advancement
Benedict XVI (September 29, 2006)

Servants and 'Voices' of Christ, Who Is Master of the Word
Benedict XVI (September 14, 2006)

Seminarians, Priests, and Religious Encourged to Remain with the Lord
Benedict XVI (September 11, 2006)

Meeting with the priests of the Italian Diocese of Albano
Benedict XVI (August 31, 2006)

Priests: Promoters of the Encounter Between Man and God
Benedict XVI (May 25, 2006)

Ordination to the Priesthood of 15 Deacons of the Diocese of Rome
Benedict XVI (May 7, 2006)

God In Us, We In God
Benedict XVI (April 19, 2006)

Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Benedict XVI (March 30, 2006)

Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Benedict XVI (March 30, 2006)

Preparing for Your Mission as Priests with Mary's Help
Benedict XVI (March 1, 2006)

Your People Need Bishops of 'Charity, Humility, Simplicity of Life'
Benedict XVI (February 8, 2006)

Your Pastoral Ministry Must Be Addressed to Everyone
Benedict XVI (October 12, 2005)

The Breath of God' Inspires Priesthood and Life
Benedict XVI (May 18, 2005)

The Nature of the Priesthood
Joseph Ratzinger (October 29, 1990)

John Paul II

Letter to Priests, 2005
John Paul II (March 23, 2005)

'The Church Needs Holy Priests'
John Paul II (October 27, 2004)

'Tell Your Priests that I Hold Them in My Heart!'
John Paul II (September 8, 2004)

Letter to Priests 2004
John Paul II (April 6, 2004)

Diocesan Priests Must Find In Christ the Daring to Fulfil Their Mission
John Paul II (February 11, 2004)

Message for the 41st World Day of Prayer for Vocations
John Paul II (January 14, 2004)

Keep Priest-Parishioner Distinction
John Paul II (January 10, 2004)

Ecclesia de Eucharistia
John Paul II (April 17, 2003)

Teach Essential Distinction Between Ministerial Priesthood And Royal Priesthood Of Baptized
John Paul II (October 2, 2002)

Remember You Are First And Foremost Priests: Not Corporate Executives
John Paul II (May 15, 2002)

Priestly Life: Conversion Of Life, Evangelical Poverty, Celibacy, Service
John Paul II (April 24, 2002)

Great Is The Mystery Placed In Your Hands
John Paul II (April 24, 2002)

Letter to Priests 2002
John Paul II (March 21, 2002)

By Going To Confession Priests Become Holy
John Paul II (March 20, 2002)

Charles de Foucauld, Model Of Adoration And Dialogue
John Paul II (July 18, 2001)

Offer Yourselves with Christ For the Church
John Paul II (May 16, 2001)

Letter to Priests 2001
John Paul II (March 25, 2001)

Intimate Union with Christ is the Secret
John Paul II (August 2, 2000)

Thank God For This Extraordinary Gift!
John Paul II (May 24, 2000)

Model Your Life on Mystery of the Cross
John Paul II (May 24, 2000)

Eucharist Is Joined to Ministerial Priesthood
John Paul II (April 26, 2000)

Priests, By Ordination, Share in Christ's Mission
John Paul II (April 26, 2000)

Letter to Priests 2000
John Paul II (March 23, 2000)

Priests Too Need God's Forgiveness
John Paul II (March 22, 2000)

Priests Are Set Apart in Order To Be True Servants of God's People
John Paul II (September 29, 1999)

Take Holy Pride in Being Other Christs
John Paul II (July 21, 1999)

Jesus, Model of Every Priest
John Paul II (April 28, 1999)

Living Icons of the Good Shepherd
John Paul II (April 28, 1999)

Thank God for Gift of Priesthood
John Paul II (April 7, 1999)

Letter to Priests 1999
John Paul II (March 14, 1999)

Priests Are Conformed to Christ the Head
John Paul II (November 4, 1998)

Mass Must Be Centre of Priests Life
John Paul II (July 1, 1998)

Priest's Ministry and Spiritual Life Are Intimately Connected
John Paul II (May 27, 1998)

Unfurl your sails to the Spirit's breath
John Paul II (May 20, 1998)

Letter to Priests 1998
John Paul II (April 1, 1998)

Letter to Priests, 1997
John Paul II (March 16, 1997)

I Thank God for My Priesthood and Pray That He Will Send More Labourers into His Harvest
John Paul II (November 1, 1996)

Thank God for the Rich Harvest of Priestly and Religious Vocations
John Paul II (September 13, 1996)

Letter to Priests 1996
John Paul II (March 17, 1996)

Church's Welfare Demands Careful Selection of Priesthood Candidates
John Paul II (June 13, 1995)

Letter to Priests 1995
John Paul II (March 25, 1995)

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
John Paul II (May 22, 1994)

Address to Participants of the Symposium on the Participation of the Laity in the Priestly Ministry
John Paul II (April 22, 1994)

Letter to Priests 1994
John Paul II (March 22, 1994)

Letter to Priests 1993
John Paul II (April 8, 1993)

Letter to Priests 1992
John Paul II (March 29, 1992)

Pastores Dabo vobis
John Paul II (March 25, 1992)

The Cure of Ars
John Paul II (1986)

Dominicae Cenae
John Paul II (February 24, 1980)

Paul VI

Sacerdotalis Caelibatus
Paul VI (June 24, 1967)


The Roman Synod and the Priest
John XXIII (1964)

Sacerdoti Nostri Primordia
John XXIII (August 1, 1959)

Pius XII

Sacra Virginitas
Pius XII (March 25, 1954)

Provida Mater Ecclesia
Pius XII (February 2, 1947)

Menti Nostrae
Pius XII (September 23, 1950)

In Auspicando Super [Italian]
Pius XII (June 28, 1948)

Pius XI

Ad Catholici Sacerdotii
Pius XI (December 20, 1935)

Unigenitus Dei [Italian]
Pius XI (December 20, 1935)

Solemn Canonization of Blesseds John Baptist M. Vianney and John Eudes and the Eucharistic Celebration for the Feast of Pentecost [Latin]
Pius XI (May 31, 1925)

Pius X

Haerent Animo
Pius X (August 4, 1908)

Pieni L'animo
Pius X (July 28, 1906)


Depuis Le Jour
Leo XIII (September 8, 1899)

Fin Dal Principio
Leo XIII (December 8, 1902)

Leo XIII (September 18, 1899)

Curial Documents

Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood
Congregation for Catholic Education (October 30, 2008)

Cardinal Hummes Letter for World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests (May 30, 2008)

Prayers for Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (April 22, 2008)

Explanatory Note on Praying for Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (December 8, 2007)

Adoration, Reparation, Spiritual Motherhood for Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (December 8, 2007)

Letter for the Sanctification of the Clergy
Congregation for the Clergy (December 8, 2007)

Letter on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (June 15, 2007)

Pope and Curia Reaffirm Value of Priestly Celibacy
Holy See (November 16, 2006)

On Priesthood and Those With Homosexual Tendencies
Congregation for Catholic Education (November 29, 2005)

On Priestly Sanctification
Congregation for the Clergy (May 31, 2005)

Vatican Response on Possibility of Ordaining Homosexuals to Priesthood
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (November/December 2002)

The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community
Congregation for the Clergy (October 18, 2002)

Eucharist And Confession: Set Out Anew From God's Mercy To Rediscover Priestly Identity
Congregation for the Clergy (28 August 2002)

Priest Of God, You Embody The Mystery Of Mercy!
Congregation for the Clergy (8/15 August 2001)

The Priest and the Third Christian Millennium
Congregation for the Clergy (July 21, 1999)

Message to the World's Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (October 28, 1995)

Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests
Congregation for the Clergy (March 31, 1994)

Cardinals and Bishops

Bishop Tobin on 'Priestly Fatigue Syndrome'
Thomas J. Tobin (August 4, 2008)

The Primacy of Grace: Letter to Diocesan Priests
Thomas J. Tobin (March 20, 2008)

The Men He Intended: Claiming our Vocation as Priests of Jesus Christ
Charles J. Chaput (July 4 – 5, 2007)

The Signs of our Times — and What they Require from Priests
Charles J. Chaput (July 4 – 5, 2007)

The Importance of Priestly Celibacy
Claudio Hummes (March 24, 2007)

Christ's Precious Gift to His Church
Claudio Hummes (March 24, 2007)

New Vatican Instruction Applies Common Sense Church's Wisdom to Priesthood Question
Charles J. Chaput (November 30, 2005)

Letter to Priests on the Eucharist and Pastoral Care of Children
Dario Castrillon Hoyos (January 8, 2005)

The Pastoral Courage of Demetrius Gallitzin
Thomas J. Tobin (September 13, 2002)

Message To The Priests Of The United States Of America
Cardinals and leadership of the Bishops' Conference (May 1, 2002)

Training Candidates for the Priesthood
Godfried Danneels (September 24, 1998)

Letter to Priests on the Holy Eucharist
Justin Rigali (July 30, 1998)

Priests' Continuing Formation
Anthony Bevilacqua (October 23, 1995)


Priestly & Religious Celibacy: Is It Dead, or Should It Be?
Benedict J. Groeschel (New Oxford Review, November 1996)

Priests Who "Desert," Priests Who "Come Back"
GianPaolo Salvini (La Civiltà Cattolica, April 21 2007)

The Priestly Power to Bless
Ernest Graf (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, April 1949)

Some Scriptural Arguments For The All-Male Priesthood
David P. Lang (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, February 2003)

Priesthood and the Masculinity of Christ
R. Mary Hayden Lemmons (August 16, 2004)

Priestly Identity: Crisis and Renewal
David Toups (ZENIT, March 20 & 21, 2008)

Priests and the Importance of Fatherhood
Daniel C. Vitz; Paul C. Vitz (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, December 2008)

Pornography and Priestly Vocations
Raymond Cleaveland (Homiletic and Pastoral Review, July 2004)

The Price Of Priestly Pederasty
Dan Michalski (Crisis, October 2001)

Answering Scandal With Personal Holiness
Roger J. Landry (CWNews News Feature, February 12, 2002)

The Priesthood in Christian Unity
John A. Hardon (The American Ecclesiastical Review, December 1962)

Why We Have A Ministerial Priesthood
Tim Staples (This Rock, March 2005)

The Nature of Priestly Ordination: Theological Background and Some Present Concerns
Lawrence J. Welch (November 9, 2007)

Permanent Consecration: Anchor Of Priestly Sanctity
Vincent P. Miceli (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, February 1977)

The Priest's Struggle For Sanctity
John A. O'Brien (The Ecclesiastical Review, February 1936)

Messing with the Mass: The Problem of Priestly Narcissism Today
Daniel C. Vitz; Paul C. Vitz (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, November 2007)

Newman: Laity, Priesthood, And Holiness
C. John McCloskey (Faith & Reason, Fall 1996)

Our Priesthood on the Couch
Benedict J. Groeschel (Crisis, October 1999)

Celibacy: Beware of Quick-Fix Solutions
Martin Keenan (The Southern Cross, June 27, 2007)

Articles about Saints and Other Holy Priests

Prince Gallitzin
James Hazelrigg (, 2004)

The Man Who Stepped Out of Line
Thomas J. Euteneuer (Spirit & Life, August 10, 2006)

The Last Mass of Father Ragheed, a Martyr of the Chaldean Church
Sandro Magister (Chiesa, June 5, 2007)

The Faith and Reason of Father George Lemaître
Joseph R. Laracy (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, February 2009)

Trials of a Shepherd
Paul E. Campbell (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, September 1959)

The Monk and the Murderer
Annie Calovich (The Catholic World Report, July 2007)

Outlaw: One Priest in the Underground Chinese Church
Theresa Marie Moreau (Crisis Magazine, December 2005)

Bl. Claude La Colombiere: A Priest after Christ's Heart
Walter Kern (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, June 1981)

Saint Philip Neri and the Priesthood
Frederick Miller (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, January 2009)

Four Priests Of The Word
Anne Husted Burleigh (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, June 2003)

St. John Neumann: Model for Priests
Daniel F. McSheffery (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, June 1994)

Blessed Liberty: The Posthumous Miracle of Antonio Rosmini
Dario Antiseri; Sandro Magister (Chiesa, November 12, 2007)

Remembering a Victim of the Communist Regime
Wlodzimierz Redzioch (Inside the Vatican, December 2008)

Blessed Are the Meek: The Life and Martyrdom of a Priest on Mission in Turkey
Sandro Magister (www.chiesa, February 7, 2006)

Saint John of Avila and the Reform of the Priesthood
Joan Gormley (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, April 2004)

Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
John M. Janaro (Fishers of Men, 1986)

Beyond the Call of Duty
Horvat John (Unknown)

Who Was Knox?
Michael de la Bedoyere (The Catholic World, December, 1957)

Walter Ciszek
George W. Rutler (Crisis Magazine, June 2006)

Blessed Cyprian Michael Tansi Was a Zealous Pastor and Faithful Monk
Unknown (L'Osservatore Romano, March 25, 1998)

St. José María Robles Hurtado
Pedro A. Moreno (Columbia, February 2005)

'Ars Is No Longer Ars!'
Paolo Risso (L'Osservatore Romano, 27 July 2005)

An American Priest at the End of the Earth
Michael S. Rose (New Oxford Review, July - August 2003)

Thou Shalt Not Allow Homosexuals to Become Catholic Priests
John Trigilio (October 3, 2005)

Holy Orders- Part I
Benedictine Monks of Buckfast Abbey (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, May 1928)

Holy Orders Part— II
Benedictine Monks of Buckfast Abbey (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, June 1928)

Holy Orders - Part III
Benedictine Monks of Buckfast Abbey (Homiletic & Pastoral Review, July 1928)

Do You Have a Vocation?
Russell Shaw (This Rock, April 2005)

The Hour That Makes My Day
Fulton J. Sheen (A Treasure in Clay, April 1993)

Each One of Us Is Called To Be Both a Sacrifice To God and His Priest
Peter Chrysologus (Office of Readings, 1983)

What I Found
Owen Francis Dudley (Unknown)

Renewing the Priesthood
John Trigilio (The Priest, March 1997)

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