A Collection of Messages of Pope Saint John XXIII

by Pope Saint John XXIII

Descriptive Title

A Collection of Messages of Saint Pope John XXIII


A collection of Messages of His Holiness Saint Pope John XXIII which include the Apostolic Constitution, Veterum Sapientia, the Apostolic Letter, Sanguis Christi, various messages and his last will and testament.

Larger Work

The Encyclicals and Other Messages of St. John XXIII

Publisher & Date

TPS Press, 1964

"Everyone remembers the image of Pope John's smiling face and two outstretched arms embracing the whole world. How many people were won over by his simplicity of heart, combined with a broad experience of people and things! The breath of newness he brought certainly did not concern doctrine, but rather the way to explain it; his style of speaking and acting was new, as was his friendly approach to ordinary people and to the powerful of the world. It was in this spirit that he called the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, thereby turning a new page in the Church's history Christians heard themselves called to proclaim the Gospel with renewed courage and greater attentiveness to the "signs" of the times. The Council was a truly prophetic insight of this elderly Pontiff who, even amid many difficulties, opened a season of hope for Christians and for humanity. In the last moments of his earthly life, he entrusted his testament to the Church: "What counts the most in life is blessed Jesus Christ, his holy Church, his Gospel, truth and goodness". -- John Paul II

Biography of Saint John XXIII which appeared in L'Osservatore Romano.

Apostolic Constitution

  • Veterum Sapientia on the Promotion of the Study of Latin, issued February 22, 1962.

Apostolic Letter


  • Counsels For Seminarians -- An Address of Pope John XXIII of January 28, 1960, to seminarians in Rome in which he recalls memories of his own seminary years, reflects on the personal sanctification of priests and the value of reading Scripture.
  • The Roman Synod And The Priest -- An Address of Pope John XXIII of November 24, 1960 to the clergy of Rome in which he counsels them to shun excesses in religious devotions and discusses the means to an immaculate life.

  • The Art Of Spiritual Direction -- An Address of Pope John XXIII of September 9, 1962, to spiritual directors of seminaries in which he states the need for bringing seminary training up to date, the importance of obedience and implementation of the Council's decisions.

  • One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic -- An Address of Pope John XXIII of November 13, 1960, after a Mass in the Byzantine-Slav Rite. He touches on personal memories of the East, and the catholicity of the Church.

  • True Christian Peace -- The 1959 Christmas broadcast of Pope John XXIII in which he discusses the inadequacy of merely human efforts, the causes of unrest and the special duty of Catholics.

  • The Way Of Peace -- A radio address of Pope John XXIII of September 10, 1961 in which he gives a grave warning to world rulers and discusses the attitude of the true Christian and the need for prayer.

  • Opening Address to the Council -- An Address of Pope John XXIII of October 11, 1962 at the Opening of Vatican Council II in which he discusses the Church's teaching office, the decision to hold a council, that the council is more pastoral than doctrinal, the right attitude toward error and a world unified by Christianity.

  • Last Will and Testament -- The spiritual testament and last wishes of Pope John XXIII. Written on June 29, 1954, Pope John makes a profession of faith, speaks of the grace of poverty, lists his bequests and says farewell to his family.

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