Urgent! We need extra financial support between now and May 24th.
By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | May 22, 2015
I need your help to meet a $25,400 challenge grant over the next four days. As of 10:30 am EST on May 23nd, we have just over $1,800 left to match by Pentecost, May 24th. If we are successful, the total benefit to our mission will be over $50,000.
Any gift you offer now will be matched.
CatholicCulture.org cannot survive without this grant, which is necessary to see us through until the Fall. I hope all registered users and all social media users will join me over the next few days to make this Spring Campaign a resounding success.
Our mission is to provide balanced Catholic news and commentary, spiritual resources, Church documents, and countless other Catholic resources with completely fidelity to the Magisterium and the mind of the Church. Each year we reach five million users directly, as visitors to our website, and perhaps an order of magnitude more (up to 50 million) as our original Catholic materials are picked up and redistributed in blogs, other websites, newsletters, parish bulletins, CCD programs, Catholic radio and television, and of course social media.
I believe this work is important, and I am also proud of our ability to keep costs low—substantially lower than any comparable organization. We offer everything absolutely free of charge, and our costs are just eight cents per person directly served each year. This is unprecedented.
The other side of that coin, however, is that we rely totally on our users. We have no major gifts from individual financial angels or foundations. Even our challenge grants are developed by groups of users who pledge a combined total to be donated if other, less active donors will match that total by the specified deadline. A special group of 33 such donors is behind our Spring Challenge grant—an average individual gift of under $800.
In some ways, this diversity of donors is a good thing. It keeps us independent, beholden to no special interests. We are not required (as some other organizations are) to handle news and commentary on sensitive issues in a way that satisfies the private concerns of a few major donors or ecclesiastical leaders. We are free to perform an authentically Catholic analysis, which is what best serves our threefold task of enriching faith, strengthening the Church, and forming Catholic culture.
In other ways, this diversity of donors is more difficult. We have to concentrate on fundraising year round. There are no major individual infusions of cash to make our budget. Difficult as that may be, it does provide a certain validation: CatholicCulture.org cannot continue its work in a vacuum. If a great many users do not find it valuable, we fold.
Call it a reality check.
So if you really do value what we do, if you benefit from it personally, or if you think it is helpful to other Catholics, including those in mission territories, then I hope you will contribute to our Spring Campaign now, before time runs out on Pentecost. Any gift will be helpful, because each gift will be doubled by the Challenge Grant.
Please offer your maximum gift online now while it will count twice.
Or, if you prefer, mail a check or money order to:
P.O. Box 582
Manassas, VA 20108
May God bless you for your generosity in supporting our Catholic mission, through your financial sacrifices and, of course, your prayers.
All comments are moderated. To lighten our editing burden, only current donors are allowed to Sound Off. If you are a current donor, log in to see the comment form; otherwise please support our work, and Sound Off!
Posted by: freeper79577 -
Oct. 20, 2016 2:50 PM ET USA
I think a large part of all of our problems today lies in the fact that we have ignored all those strong lessons in morality and virtue that one finds in the Holy Bible. And I not that nothing like religion is mentioned in the monsignors list. That is sad.
Posted by: toothin -
Oct. 09, 2016 6:28 PM ET USA
Maybe the idea that the moslem religion lacks a center authority to issue corrections to the ideas of the holy war against infidels with a sentence of death for anyone who exercises free speech if it conflicts with their idea of what is sacred in their religion, and the lack of human rights for people who leave their religion, to name just a few for starters. Oh yes, idea that religion must have the authority over the secular relam through Sharia law once they have a majority which they hope for
Posted by: Bernadette -
Oct. 09, 2016 5:43 PM ET USA
Fenton, maybe his "vacuum of values" is what he means by lack of God in their lives? We can now add God, along with Hell, to the list of unmentionables - things that might hurt feelings or cause discomfort.
Posted by: DanS -
Oct. 07, 2016 10:28 PM ET USA
Having lived and travelled in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, I find the assertion of "marginalization" writ-large as a catalyst of radicalization unconvincing. The most destitute Moslem resident in Europe enjoys a standard of living that far exceeds that of the residents of his country of origin. Ignored, perhaps. Racially profiled, probably, but in Europe they enjoy the rule of law and political, economic, social and religious freedom unthinkable in their home country.
Posted by: fenton1015153 -
Oct. 05, 2016 10:44 AM ET USA
Isn't it heart warming to hear a man ordained to God discuss how man's problems are man caused but he never mentioned lack of contact with God. This Msgr. Urbanczyk, if he represents a significant number of the priesthood, illustrates why the Church is having so much trouble. He seriously needs our prayers!