An editorial for the (comic) archives
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Jun 20, 2012
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has a short editorial about what it sees as a “larger, overarching crisis” in the Catholic Church.
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There’s the Vatileaks mess, and some people think that’s a major scandal. Then the president of the Vatican bank was ousted.
That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? You think that’s enough to rattle the Vatican, which has withstood wars and plagues and heresies and revolts and corruption and neglect and crime and persecution for 2000 years?
But wait. To be fair, the Tribune-Review has more to say:
And there’s Benedict, 85, the oldest pope in 109 years. He’s finding if increasingly difficult to speak, walk — and, insiders say, lead.
Yes, he has trouble walking. Bad knees. But difficulty speaking? That’s pure fiction.
So, having exposed their ignorance about both Roman history and current Vatican affairs, the editors reach their conclusion:
If Pope Benedict’s successor similarly fails to lead and to reform the Vatican, scandals will continue to plague Roman Catholicism and the church surely will implode.
Thanks for your concern, folks, but the Catholic Church will survive this “crisis,” too. I just hope this silly editorial finds its way into the Vatican archives, so that sometime a few centuries from now, prelates can pull it out, enjoy a chuckle or two, and ask each other, “How long ago was it that the Tribune-Review imploded?”
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Posted by: nix898049 -
Nov. 20, 2018 5:04 PM ET USA
I'm thinking the Holy See is treating the US bishops the same way it is treating the Chinese bishops. It is all in with the ones that support govt programs, etc. but the loyal bishops are on their own. So face it, loyal bishops of the US, you're on your own. The cavalry isn't coming.
Posted by: Petronius -
Jun. 20, 2012 8:29 PM ET USA
The editor should be allowed his fantasy. It's all he has.
Posted by: -
Jun. 20, 2012 7:13 PM ET USA
If an observer of the Roman Catholic Church and the affairs of the Vatican since 2004 cannot clearly detect the broad, profound, and dare I pray, permanent reforms either perpetuated or initiated by Benedict XVI, then he either knows not what he's looking for, or, more likely, sees them plainly, comprehends their consequences, dislikes them viscerally, and therefore willfully ignores them. So much for most of the American press and other media...