Cardinal Dolan's useful new book
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Jun 21, 2012
For those who want to participate in the “Fortnight of Freedom” but aren’t sure how to begin, here’s a suggestion: Download a copy of Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s new eBook, True Freedom: On Protecting Human Dignity and Religious Liberty.
Written in an uncomplicated, engaging style, True Freedom outlines the case for insisting on natural-law morality in public debates, and for protecting the culture of life against the many current attacks. A very short, readable book—priced at a mere 99¢!—this is a useful introduction for those who are unfamiliar with the arguments.
You say you already know the arguments well? Good for you! Then maybe you should send a copy of Cardinal Dolan’s book to a few friends and neighbors—or better yet, to a few pundits and politicians.
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Posted by: Frodo1945 -
Nov. 15, 2018 3:42 PM ET USA
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to watch this fiasco and see that DiNardo is president in name only, Cupich and Wuerl undermined him terribly and made him look foolish. So much for collegiality. Another million dollars wasted on a three day "vacation" in Baltimore.
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Nov. 15, 2018 2:24 PM ET USA
Yesterday I posted my answer to Cardinal Tobin's 2 questions: 40 years of liturgical and catechetical abuse were more obvious than the sexual abuse of seminarians and minors. These abuses constitute 2 failures of the episcopate to exercise its Christ-sanctioned mission: priestly and prophetical. Phil has identified the 3rd failure: governance. I cited another bishop in my comment: Wenski of Miami. His outrage: "Most people are not hung up on the sex abuse crisis." How do you spell out of touch?