Apocrypha Now! On the Myth of the Lost Gospels
By Mike Aquilina ( bio - articles - email ) | May 04, 2022 | In Way of the Fathers (Podcast)
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Why is it big news when someone claims to find a fragment of a lost “gospel”? Why do people say that these ancient apocrypha threaten to overturn everything Christians believe? In the second century, some of these pseudonymous books appeared and quickly landed in the remainder bin, called into question by giants such as Irenaeus and Tertullian. They’re news today because of a modern myth, crafted by one of the renowned literary critics of the 20th century—and sustained by ivy-league celebrities.
Paul Mankowski, S.J., “The Pagels Imposture,” Catholic Culture https://www.catholicculture.
Amy Weiss-Meyer, “What Ever Happened to the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife?” The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/
Mike Aquilina’s website https://fathersofthechurch.com
Mike Aquilina’s books https://catholicbooksdirect.
Theme music: Gaudeamus (Introit for the Feast of All Saints), sung by Jeff Ostrowski. Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed http://www.ccwatershed.org
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