Catholic World News

Theme of Pope’s general audience: ‘Christ has set us free’

October 06, 2021

Continuing his Wednesday general audience series on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, Pope Francis spoke on October 6 about Christian freedom.

Previous addresses in the series were entitled “Introduction to the Letter to the Galatians“ (June 23), “Paul, the true apostle“ (June 30), “There is just one Gospel“ (August 4), “The Mosaic Law“ (August 11), “The propaedeutic value of the Law“ (August 18), “The dangers of the Law“ (August 25), “Foolish Galatians“ (September 1), “We are Children of God“ (September 8), and “Life of Faith“ (September 29).

“In our continuing catechesis on Saint Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, we now consider the Apostle’s teaching on Christian freedom,” the Pope said, in the words of the official Vatican summary of his remarks. “For Paul, that freedom is a gift, the fruit of our new life in Christ. Through baptism, we have been freed from our bondage to sin and freed for a life of generous love in obedience to the Gospel.”

The summary continued:

Jesus tells us, “If you continue in my word… you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (Jn 8:31-32). Christian freedom is thus grounded in the unmerited gift of God’s grace and the truth of Christ.

Through his passion, death and resurrection, Christ reveals the depth of God’s love, and teaches us that the total gift of ourselves in service of others, even to the point of death, is the mark of supreme freedom. The truth that Christ brings is in fact truthfulness about ourselves.

Our journey along the path of Christian freedom is not easy, but guided and sustained by the love of the Crucified Lord, and by his liberating truth, we will find our ultimate fulfilment in accordance with God’s saving plan.


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