Theme of Pope’s general audience: ‘There is just one Gospel’
August 04, 2021
Resuming his weekly Wednesday general audience following a July hiatus, Pope Francis delivered his third talk on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.
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Previous addresses in the series were entitled “Introduction to the Letter to the Galatians“ (June 23) and “Paul, the true apostle“ (June 30).
“Dear brothers and sisters, in our continuing catechesis on Saint Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, we now consider Paul’s insistence on complete fidelity to the Gospel. For Paul, the proclamation of the Christian message was his very life,” the Pope said, in the words of the official Vatican summary of his remarks. “What he preached to the Galatians was in fact the apostolic kerygma, which summarized the fulfilment of all God’s promises in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, was buried, rose on the third day, and appeared to Peter (cf. 1 Cor 15:3-5).”
The summary continued:
This explains why, at the beginning of the Letter, Paul urges the Galatians so forcefully not to turn away from the freedom brought by the Gospel. For that Gospel, entrusted to the apostles, offers to all—ourselves included—the assurance of new life and freedom flowing from the cross of Christ and the gift of his Holy Spirit.
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