Theme of Pope’s general audience: ‘Foolish Galatians’
September 01, 2021
Continuing his weekly Wednesday general audience series on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, Pope Francis spoke on September 1 about St. Paul’s description of the Galatians as foolish.
Previous addresses in the series were entitled “Introduction to the Letter to the Galatians“ (June 23), “Paul, the true apostle“ (June 30), “There is just one Gospel“ (August 4), “The Mosaic Law“ (August 11), “The propaedeutic value of the Law“ (August 18), and “The dangers of the Law“ (August 25).
“Dear brothers and sisters, in our continuing catechesis on Saint Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, we have seen how the Apostle insists on the newness of life in Christ, which sets Christians free from a religiosity based solely on the scrupulous observance of precepts,” the Pope said, in the words of the official Vatican summary of his remarks. “Paul reminds the Galatians of the saving grace they received through faith in the Gospel message of Christ’s death and resurrection, and their experience of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their midst.”
The summary continued:
Paul likewise points to his personal experience of the grace and freedom brought by faith in the crucified Jesus: “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live…, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20).
In addressing the Galatians, the Apostle also speaks to us; he invites each of us to rejoice in the righteousness we have received through faith in Christ and to bear convincing witness to God’s merciful love in the way we live our daily lives.
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