Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication

Catholic Recipe: Jelly Doughnuts


  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 package active dry, or cake, yeast
  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water
  • 6 cups sifted all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar, divided
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup shortening
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • apricot jam


Yield: 36 doughnuts

Prep Time: 3 hours

Difficulty:  ★★★☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: 15+

Origin: Austria


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Also Called: Faschingskrapfen


Scald milk; cool. Dissolve yeast in water. Add 1/2 cup flour to yeast; mix thoroughly. Combine with milk, 1/2 cup sugar. Add 3 cups sifted flour; mix well; ball up in greased bowl; grease top. Let rise overnight.

Punch down dough. Beat eggs; add to dough. Add shortening, 1 cup sugar; mix well. Stir in enough remaining flour to make stiff dough. Let rise again until almost double in size. Turn out on floured board. Roll 1/4 inch thick. Cut out square doughnuts. Let rise to double thickness. Fry 4 minutes in deep fat at 360°, turning several times. Drain on absorbent paper. Set aside and fill with jam.

Yield, approximately 36 doughnuts

Recipe Source: Catholic Cookbook, The by William I. Kaufman, The Citadel Press, New York, 1965