Catholic Recipe: Thanksgiving Dinner Menus
- Tokay Grapes in Ginger Ale (see recipe)
- Roast Turkey
- Giblet Gravy
- Oyster Stuffing (see recipe)
- Creamed Onions (see recipe)
- Mashed Potatoes or Candied Yams
- Green Beans with Mushrooms
- Cranberry Sauce (see recipe)
- Celery, Olives
- Pumpkin Pie
- Mints
- Nuts in the Shell
- Coffee (see recipe)
- Roast Turkey with Mushroom Stuffing (see recipe)
- Glazed Sweet Potatoes Florida (see recipe)
- Green Beans with Onions in Cream (see recipe)
- Cranberry Sauce (see recipe)
- Black Olives
- Queen Olives
- Pickle Relish
- Canned Plum Pudding with Coffee-Brandy Ice Cream Sauce (see recipe)
- Coffee (see recipe)
Prep Time: N/A
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆
Cost: ★★★★
For Ages: 21+
Origin: USA
showFood Categories (1)
showOften Made With (10)
- Cranberry Sauce
- Creamed Onions
- Glazed Sweet Potatoes Florida
- Green Beans and Onions in Cream
- Oyster Stuffing
- Plum Pudding Coffee-Brandy Ice Cream Sauce
- Quick Mushroom Stuffing for Roast Turkey
- Roast Goose IV (with Fruit Stuffing)
- Rules for Making Perfect Tea
- Tokay Grapes in Ginger Ale
showFeasts (2)
In all the world, the United States of America is the only nation that sets apart one day each year to be devoted to thanksgiving to God for the blessings He has accorded. This is a tradition we can well be proud to carry on.
Thanksgiving is a day when families draw close, coming back home from far and near to join in a love feast both spiritual and material.
The foods that the Pilgrims served on the first Thanksgiving Day are still served today as the basis of the feast — turkey, cranberries, pumpkins, root vegetables — better in quality, prepared more elaborately, but still regarded as fundamentals.
Thanksgiving dinners have been simplified, however, out of regard for health and figures. In the nineties, course followed course — six, seven, even eight. The buffet held a minimum of four kinds of pies — mince, apple, pumpkin, lemon meringue. Often a steamed pudding was added, and ice cream. Today we usually limit the feast to three courses, one of which is a single dessert. Everyone feels better, naps are unnecessary after dinner, and the bicarbonate of soda stays on the shelf!
Here are two suggested Thanksgiving menus.
Tue18 FebruaryOrdinary TimeTuesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
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Thanksgiving Dinner II