Catholic Recipe: White Fruit Cake
An appropriate and traditional accomplishment is of course the fruit cake, for which recipes are legion, ranging from the dark brandy-soaked cake of the South to the delicate white fruit cake favored elsewhere. This is a recipe for the white fruit cake, a lighter batter because of the the graduated white sugar. Although the preparation of the cake only takes 4 hours approximately, it is best to make the fruitcake weeks before to let it "age."
Cream the butter thoroughly and then stir in the sugar, again beating thoroughly. Add and beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the vanilla and brandy and the mace. Sift the flour before measuring and resift with the cream of tartar and the salt. Add the flour slowly to the other mixture and blend thoroughly. Then stir in the fruits which have been chopped, the broken pecan meats, and the raisins. Bake in 2 loaf pans at 325° F. for an hour and a half.
Recipe Source: Feast Day Cookbook by Katherine Burton and Helmut Ripperger, David McKay Company, Inc., New York, 1951