Catholic Culture Resources
Catholic Culture Resources

Catholic Activity: Nameday Ideas for the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila


  • book cake or heart cake
  • heart, IHS symbols

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Two weeks after we celebrate the Little Flower, or little Theresa, we celebrate her namesake, the "Big" Teresa, St. Teresa of Avila, on October 15. Here are some ideas for a nameday celebration for this reformer of the Carmelites.


St. Teresa of Avila is one of the most remarkable, attractive and widely appreciated women the world has ever known and the only one to whom the title "Doctor of the Church" is popularly (not officially) applied. In spite of violent opposition she reformed the Carmelite nuns, founded the Discalced (shoeless) Carmelites, and wrote books of the highest mystical order. She is the patroness of Theresa, Teresita, Terry, Tessa, Teresina, and Tracy.

Father: Let us pray. Graciously hear us, O God our Savior, that as we rejoice in the festival of Your virgin Teresa, so we may be fed with the food of her heavenly teaching and grow in loving devotion toward You. Through Christ, our Lord.

All: Amen. Christ conquers, Christ reigns!

The book cake could be used for her feast; on its page might appear the letters IHS or a heart. The heart cake would also be appropriate.

Activity Source: My Nameday — Come for Dessert by Helen McLoughlin, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1962