The New Contraception Mandate: Wrong on Every Level
By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Aug 02, 2011
While I object on moral grounds to forcing health insurance companies to provide contraception (see US: private insurers must offer free contraception under new mandate), it is hard to see anything else, moral or otherwise, that is not objectionable about this decision.
Most importantly, of course, the new mandate forces health insurers to pay for the immoral use of drugs, therefore violating God’s law, which ought to be no small consideration. It even forces those insurers who may abhor contraception to participate. And finally, it forces all Americans who pay for health insurance, whether privately or through taxes, to subsidize this immorality. But there are non-moral, prudential issues here as well.
First, the mandate determines what coverage an insurance provider must offer, something which is far better determined by market dynamics. Second, it forces medical insurance to provide for non-medical needs. Pregnancy is not a disease, and the use of contraception to prevent it is purely elective. Third, it forces health insurance to subsidize inherently risky behavior. The link between contraception and promiscuity is simple and clear, as is the link between promiscuity and a wide variety of diseases. Moreover, contraceptive “treatments” carry a significant health risk of their own.
I grant that an insurance company might sense a vested interest in keeping pregnancy expenses as low as possible, but the complete health ramifications of contraception suggest a different story even in terms of dollars and cents, not only in terms of health expenses, but in terms of reducing the potential number of people paying health insurance premiums in the future.
And there is still more, though it may be often overlooked. Encouraging women not to bear children runs completely contrary to our social interests. Wherever this attitude has taken hold, it has produced a demographic winter which seriously jeopardizes not only the comfort but the stability and even prolonged existence of the social order. Around the world, countries afflicted with this mentality face rapidly aging populations demanding support which the smaller younger populations will not be willing to provide, and very likely will not be able to provide. Truly, we reap what we sow, and when we sow nothing, there is nothing to reap.
The new Health and Human Services mandate is wrong on every level. Not the least of these wrongs is that it is socially suicidal. It may, I suppose, hasten the day when our sick culture implodes, to be replaced with a culture less darkened by its own blinders. But this mandate, in addition to being morally wrong, is yet another example of our ingrained and programmatic cultural stupidity.
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Posted by: randal.agostini8563 -
May. 21, 2017 1:39 PM ET USA
Consider a three point plan that every Catholic and most Christians could subscribe to: * Catholic schools - essential for every Catholic child * Catholic Community Banks - Putting our own earnings to work. * Catholic Healthcare - We are the largest private Healthcare provider and we are in all 50 states. We led the world in two of the above and have expertise in all three. These are concepts that every Catholic could buy into while we build An Environment of Faith.
Posted by: randal.agostini8563 -
May. 21, 2017 1:29 PM ET USA
For sustained growth in the Catholic Church we need to create an Environment of Faith that encompasses our everyday lives - much like what was created by the first Christians. Ewer have to become 24 hour Christians in ourselves, our brothers and sisters and to the world. Jesus Christ was well aware that we had to feed both our bodies and our spirit and spent much time trying to show that these were complimentary to a healthy mind and soul.
Posted by: JimKcda -
May. 10, 2017 1:48 AM ET USA
Of all the organizations and groups you mentioned, you omitted a very important one; the SERRA CLUB! We pray for religious vocations, without which we will all lose access to the Sacraments and true renewal.
Posted by: bkmajer3729 -
May. 09, 2017 9:34 AM ET USA
Jeff, I believe Fr. Spitzer laid out the plan very well in his "Healing the Culture". I seem to recall you even commented on this book several years ago but my memory may be in error here. But many people no longer believe - period. Being Catholic only makes a difference to some - not most - my guess since I have no way measure. Fr. Spitzer's plan answers your question. But it doesn't matter as long as the lay leaders want a church they define and not the one Christ gave us.
Posted by: brenda22890 -
May. 06, 2017 9:33 AM ET USA
One contribution I've been involved with is RCIA. I admit, this work has mixed success. Sometimes there are catechists who, through genuine misunderstanding or as dissenting operatives, teach things that are not faithful to Church teaching. Sometimes, RCIA candidates just aim to please their future mother-in-law with a pretty church wedding. This past year I've been blessed to work with catechists and candidates whose hearts are in the right place. No matter what comes, I've been carrying on.
Posted by: AgnesDay -
May. 05, 2017 10:47 AM ET USA
All of this is to say that the Faithful need to take on the responsibility for being faithful to their charge. The most powerful devotions to fuel this faithfulness are entirely in the realm of the laity--devotion to the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Rosary. In our diocese, as in many others, these devotions have mysteriously fed the renewal of the Church.
Posted by: iprayiam5731 -
May. 05, 2017 9:32 AM ET USA
Thanks for this, It is very helpful. As for myself, there's certain frustration in discerning what I should do personally. My wife and I haven't been blessed with children yet. Our parish is actually exceptionally solid. I help lead a bible study at a less orthodox parish, but it's hard to grow. And none of the parishioners want to hear orthodox discussion, so new members end up leaving the group or leaving the parish. Sometimes I wonder if my calling is simply to earn more so I can tithe more.
Posted by: -
Aug. 03, 2011 2:56 PM ET USA
I agree with your points on the contraceptive mandate. However, that "the mandate determines what coverage an insurance provider must offer, something which is far better determined by market dynamics" needs examination. Most private health insurance plans contain an anachronistic exclusion for treatment for autism, although autism is now treatable, albeit at a cost that the uninsured can't afford. You okay with "the market" withholding treatment from an autistic grandchild? Moral?
Posted by: wolfdavef3415 -
Aug. 03, 2011 2:34 AM ET USA
I believe that the second reason is the one with the most legs in the secular community. Paying for purely elective procedures, such as contraception and abortion, are not medical necessities. Since we are concerned with providing the necessary medical care, those options should be eliminated. Otherwise, what logical reasoning is there to exclude breast augmentation? You could cook up some half-baked psychological mumbo-jumbo about self esteem to justify that elective procedure. Lame logic.
Posted by: MAG -
Aug. 02, 2011 8:35 PM ET USA
There's no guarantee that our culture will be replaced by one "less darkened". Witness the former Constantinople.
Posted by: Justin8110 -
Aug. 02, 2011 8:30 PM ET USA
We are losing the culture war and barring Divine Intervention on the level of another Fatima type miracle I don't think the US or the West are going to be able to be saved. In fact, in my own life I have pretty much given up on politics and trying to reform the culture outside my own home and those I am friends with. I think we will see a persecution before things get better, if they get better. Perhaps we should simply pray and offer up our sufferings for as many souls as we can.