Links 10/30/2015
By Thomas V. Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Oct 30, 2015 | In Quick Hits
Bits and pieces of the Catholic internet:
Bloomberg published a superb profile of Catholic philosopher Robert P. George, who is apparently an unofficial adviser to a few of the current GOP candidates. One quote that struck me:
"The best thing that’s happened in my academic life the past decade is that I regularly teach with Cornel West, who is as far to the left as I am to the right, but we love each other, and he’s got exactly the same attitude I have" about the inherent value of discussion, "and the same fears I have, that he’ll fall in love with his own opinions. It’s the best thing in the world, because you have these two cats who want to get at the truth."
The Cardinal Newman Society warns of the growing pressure Catholic nurses will face to do things the Church forbids, and exhorts Catholic nursing programs to adopt a Catholic ethics code and strongly emphasize the teachings of the Church on human life.
Yesterday would have been the 44th birthday of Blessed Chiara Luce Badano, who offered her slow, painful struggle with cancer entirely to God. At his blog, John Janaro meditates on what this young saint has to offer us. During her suffering, Chiara said:
I offer everything, my failures, my pains and joys to Him, starting again every time the Cross makes me feel all its weight. The important thing is to do God’s will. I might have had plans about myself but God came up with this. The sickness came to me at the right time... [and] now I feel like I am wrapped into a wonderful design that is slowly unfolding itself to me.
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Posted by: rdennehy8049 -
Jul. 06, 2016 1:27 PM ET USA
The only hope that I can see is if the Archbishops, Bishops and Priests refuse any sacraments to some of our so-called political leaders until their actions match their "I am really pro life" speech.
Posted by: shrink -
Jul. 02, 2016 10:14 AM ET USA
With a few more years of Pope Francis at the helm, envision for a moment, that if you live in San Diego and use strong debate tactics against the sexual progressives, that you will risk excommunication for hate speech from the likes of Bishop McElroy.