Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

Essays in Apologetics, Vol. III

Quarrels within the Church

by Jeffrey A. Mirus Ph.D.

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Book Description

How we go about explaining and defending the Faith depends very much on our audience. This third volume of Dr. Jeff Mirus’ collected essays in apologetics includes essays written between 2004 and 2012 which primarily address quarrels which too often divide Catholics from each other because of an inadequate grasp of the Faith. These topics include the nature of religious authority, Modernism, Traditionalism, Catholic social teaching, the Catholic approach to Scripture, and several other contemporary problems, plus a section of essays designed purely to enrich our understanding of the Faith. The author holds his Ph.D. from Princeton University and has written frequently on apologetics over the past forty years.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Apologetics Volume 3
  • Converting the Average Catholic
  • Basic Truths?
  • Style and Substance: A Confusion of Targets
  • Authority and the Logic of Revelation
  • The Nature of Infallibility
  • Today’s False Teachers
  • Escape from Theological Minimalism
  • Theology by Happenstance
  • The One and Only Theological Impasse
  • Continuing in Austria: Modernist Abuse of Vatican II
  • The Cautionary End of the Spirit of Vatican II
  • On Waffling, Tradition, and the Magisterium
  • Conflicting Teachings of the Magisterium?
  • Drinking the Kool Aid on Vatican II
  • The Assent Owed to Vatican II
  • Pope Paul VI on Vatican II
  • Doctrine and Policy: The Authentic Catholic Mind
  • Shooting the Messenger: What the Church teaches about her own authority
  • Splitting social and life issues? Can't do it.
  • Subsidiarity within the Church?
  • The Catholic Approach to Scripture
  • Benedict’s Second Volume and the Historical Critical Method
  • Ratzinger’s Gift: Faith-Filled Exegesis
  • A bourgeois solution to ordaining women
  • Ex Corde Ecclesiae in America
  • Ecumenism: The Conversion Question
  • Attacking Transubstantiation
  • Salvation for Non-Catholics: Not a New Idea
  • Salvation for Non-Catholics and Limbo
  • Theological Fidelity
  • What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
  • None So Blind: Obedience is an Antidote to Stupidity
  • Success and Failure in the Church
  • Grace and Rationalization: Closely Linked
  • Doctrine, Discipline and Holiness: Not Always What They Seem
  • The Catholic Side of Salvation