Envoy Institute: Apologetics at Belmont Abbey College
By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Oct 01, 2008
Over the past few years, under the leadership of Dr. William K. Theirfelder, Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, North Carolina has recommitted itself to the Church's vision for Catholic higher education. The College has hired new faculty, recruited students who are serious about their faith, and worked hard to implement the principles expressed by Pope John Paul II in Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
The College has also associated itself with important Institutes which now make the College their home. One of these is the Bradley Institute for the Study of Catholic Culture, which has recently been recognized by the Pontifical Council for Culture. Another is Patrick Madrid's outstanding Envoy Institute, publisher of Envoy magazine, from which our document library draws occasional articles. The Envoy Institute offers programs that will help you or your children to understand, explain, defend and more fully live the Faith. These programs bring together as faculty the leading scholars, apologists and evangelists in the English-speaking world.
Patrick Madrid has kindly sent the link to a brief video which highlights the work of the Envoy Institute. I am pleased to provide the video below, with my own endorsement. (You will need Adobe's Flash Player to view it.)
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