Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic Culture Podcasts

Divine Mercy Care Extends Its Reach

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Apr 11, 2007

Today a fund-raising letter comes from John T. Bruchalski, MD, founder of the Tepeyac Family Center and chairman of the Divine Mercy Care foundation which funds TFC's ground-breaking pro-life medical work. Tepeyac is a non-profit pro-life medical facility specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. It is a haven for both poor and well-to-do mothers seeking truly Catholic medical care.

It turns out that Tepeyac Family Center has become so well-known over its thirteen year history that the doctors are now being inundated with questions from mothers, priests, doctors and even hospitals around the country who need the Center's medical/moral expertise. For example, just how does one help a woman who has taken the morning-after abortifacient pill but now has changed her mind and wants to save her baby?

The problem Dr. Bruchalski faces is that he and his staff can't possibly respond to all the requests for information and assistance without distracting themselves too much from the actual on-the-scene patients in their care. So Dr. B, as he is affectionately known by his supporters, wants to launch a new initiative under the Divine Mercy Care umbrella, the DMC Educational Resource Center (ERC).

Still too much of a distraction you say? Probably not if you factor in Bob Laird, the executive director who took over DMC/TFC's administration two years ago. Laird is not a doctor; he frees the doctors to do their work. More to the point here, Laird formerly headed the Diocese of Arlington's family life office which, under his leadership, became one of the premier sources of sound bioethical counsel and support on the planet.

Tie it all together with a staff of fine doctors, and you'll find something happening in Fairfax, Virginia which is redefining medical care for a more compassionate and more Catholic era. For further information, visit Divine Mercy Care on the web. For the medical practice, see Tepeyac Family Center. Did I mention that Trinity Communications hosts and supports both web sites, as well as providing IT support for TFC? This is good stuff, folks. Get involved.

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and See full bio.

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