yet another stem-cell breakthrough

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Apr 11, 2007

Here's a new game:

Find an article on a reported breakthrough in medical treatment using stem cells.

Beginning at the top of the article, count down the paragraphs until you find a plug for embryonic stem-cell research. (In this case it's paragraph #9.)

Keep counting-- it's probably further down-- until you reach the point where the reporter mentions that this medical breakthrough did not involve embryo research, but used stem cells obtained licitly from blood marrow, umbilical cords, or some other source. (In this case, paragraph #17.) Warning: sometimes you never will find this bit of information.

Subtract the first number from the second, and you have a concrete measure of the publication's interest in promoting a political agenda rather than carrying the news.

To be fair, this story on the same medical test identifies the source of the stem-cells in just the 2nd paragraph, and there never is a mini-editorial in favor of embryo research. Do you suppose a few editors have already started to play our little game? That would be a breakthrough!

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  • Posted by: Hal - Apr. 12, 2010 1:36 PM ET USA

    I really have to say I was appalled by this. Michelle Malkin first reported on it (that I was aware of). I am absolutely speechless that Cardinal George would lend his office to anything Fr. Pfleger did or honor his hysterics in any way. Shocking, and deeply, deeply disappointing.

  • Posted by: Lucius49 - Apr. 09, 2010 6:36 PM ET USA

    I hate to say it but there are times that some of our bishops appear to be hacks. This is dreadful on the part of Cardinal George. How about some spine!

  • Posted by: - Apr. 09, 2010 5:39 PM ET USA

    Love is a very fluid term ranging from the mushiness expressed in Sunday homilies to self-sacrifice and martyrdom---to damaging permissiveness. Father Pfleger has built his career on being the consummate white African-American, the ultimate "bro", a man who thrives on all the attention that he works so hard to promote for himself. He's the Harold Hill of Chicago's South Side, The Huey Long of 78th Place, a salesman like his great hero in t...and a believer in the product that he sells-himself.

  • Posted by: - Apr. 09, 2010 1:20 PM ET USA

    Cardinal Francis George seems to have a knack for finding the third side of a 2 sided coin.