Adoption not Abortion: A Down Syndrome Miracle
By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Aug 16, 2013 | In On the Good
In case you didn’t already hear this news: In early July, a woman learned through pre-natal testing that her baby had Down Syndrome. She went to an adoption agency and explained that she would abort the baby if a family could not be found to adopt her child in the next few days. In a little over a day, some fifteen hundred offers of adoption came in.
What happened was this: Fr. Thomas Vander Woude of Holy Trinity parish in the Diocese of Arlington heard about the need to find adoptive parents to save the baby’s life. A parishioner posted a plea on Facebook and via email to find prospective parents, with instructions to contact Fr. Vander Woude. Mark Bradford, president of the Jerome Lejeune Foundation USA, also helped to promote the Facebook appeal.
The appeal was first posted at 10:00 pm on July 7th. By the end of the parish work day on July 8th, parish staff had processed over 1,000 emails and over 500 phone calls from persons willing to make the sacrifice of adopting the child. Now the references have been vetted, and the birth mother is working with the adoption agency to make a suitable choice.
A rising tide of love lifts all hearts.
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Posted by: grateful1 -
Jan. 03, 2018 7:16 PM ET USA
The problem is with your premise, Phil. She's NOT trying to promote the "dignity" of women. She's trying to be as crude, coarse, and crass as she thinks men in are. And that's the problem with Godless, Mary-less feminism: its adherents believe they will not achieve "equality" until they sink as low as the men they condemn.
Posted by: feedback -
Dec. 26, 2017 3:33 PM ET USA
It is my strong suspicion that the Femen group, which consists of Russian and Ukrainian women, gets both money and specific ideas for "activism" from a source outside of it. Their stunts include exposed chests, slogans in English painted on skin or shouted in English with their native accents, and some anti Catholic messages. Women from the former Soviet Block are not into this style of "feminist activism" at all. It could be worth further investigation: where their founding comes from.
Posted by: Frodo1945 -
Aug. 20, 2013 10:23 AM ET USA
A great article. I'll tuck this away to answer the next shrill voice who claim that Catholics don't care about children after they are born. This is exactly the news that needs to be passed around.