By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Sep 13, 2010
Argentina has a bit of a problem. The transvestites there are apparently looking for a little more public understanding.
It seems it is an increasingly common occurrence for men dressed as women to enter public ladies’ rooms. So a new law has been proposed that would require commercial establishments to designate a third bathroom for transvestite use.
But the transvestites are, shall we say, divided against themselves. While some like the idea, the national Association of Transvestites, Transsexuals, and Transgenders of Argentina (ATTTA) opposes the bill as discriminatory. ATTA claims it is “an example of the transphobia of many politicians, who don’t really know what the people need”. What transvestites need, apparently, is to use the bathrooms already provided for the opposite sex.
So Argentina has a bit of a problem. It even comes with its own phobia. And it’s exactly the kind of problem the rest of us will face if we don’t start thinking less absurdly about sex, morality and the common good.
Let’s call this Absurdophobia, and make it a movement.
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