3.3 Cities of God: Antioch, the City of Lights
By Mike Aquilina ( bio - articles - email ) | May 25, 2023 | In Way of the Fathers (Podcast)
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Antioch, in so many ways, was the place where the lights first went on. It was the first city in the ancient world to have street lamps and unending night life. It was the city where the disciples were first called Christians. And it blazed brightly for centuries, in the lives and words of the Fathers: Ignatius, Theophilus, John Chrysostom.
Mike Aquilina, Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins: Twelve Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized https://www.amazon.com/
D.S. Wallace-Hadrill, Christian Antioch: A Study of Early Christian Thought in the East https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Antioch-Study-Early-Thought/dp/0521094364
Christine Kondoleon, Antioch: The Lost Ancient City https://www.amazon.com/Antioch-Christine-Kondoleon/dp/0691049327/
Glanville Downey, History of Antioch https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691652184/history-of-antioch
Mike Aquilina’s website https://fathersofthechurch.com
Mike Aquilina’s books https://catholicbooksdirect.com/writer/mike-aquilina/
Theme music: Gaudeamus (Introit for the Feast of All Saints), sung by Jeff Ostrowski. Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed http://www.ccwatershed.org
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