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Rising to the Challenge

Especially during this period of uncertainty in Rome, our Church needs courageous bishops, faithful priests, holy religious, and committed lay Catholics.

We must strengthen the Church at every level so she can fulfill her salvific mission in the world.

Your gift right now will be matched!

Help meet our Challenge Grant

The Boosters group has offered a Challenge Grant of $50,000 to match new gifts made between now and November 22nd.

This is a great opportunity. We hope all of our users will participate in meeting the Challenge!

We have -$23,074 left to match. Can you help? reaches more than ten million Catholics around the world with the news, commentary and spiritual resources they need to respond to the challenges faced by the Church and her members.

Our work is available free of charge, 24-7, and is widely recirculated through blogs, other websites, newspapers, magazines, radio, television and social media.

Our costs are under 8 cents per year per person served directly on our website, and far less as our resources are recirculated.

And we are entirely supported by those who benefit from our work—our users.

Your support is indispensable!

We do not ride favorite hobby horses or promote personal agendas. Our mission is to keep Catholics both informed and well-formed.

We offer the keys to a robust yet properly-balanced Catholicism. We strive each day to think and act in accordance with Our Lord and the mind of the Church.

Through our work, many find Christ and the Church for the first time; nearly all deepen their faith and become more active in reaching out to others.

Please join us in this vital Catholic mission!

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