Podcasts and Audiobooks
Scroll down to see all the podcasts we have available. Click the title or graphic to view episodes. And don’t miss the special features on our YouTube Channel.
The Catholic Culture Podcast

In our flagship podcast, CatholicCulture.org director Thomas V. Mirus explores Catholic arts and culture, issues and ideas with a variety of notable guests. You will find short highlights from this podcast on our YouTube clip list.
Catholic Culture Audiobooks

Voice actor James T. Majewski brings to life classic Catholic works, with a special emphasis on St. John Henry Newman and the Fathers of the Church.
See the complete list of authors and titles covered so far.
Way of the Fathers

A podcast about the Fathers and Doctors of the Church—the foundational figures of Christian history. Hosted by Dr. Jim Papandrea; seasons 1-3 were hosted by Mike Aquilina.
Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast

Discussions of great films from a Catholic perspective, exploring the Vatican film list and beyond. Hosted by Thomas V. Mirus and actor James T. Majewski, with special guests. You will find short highlights from this podcast on our YouTube clip list.