Catholic World News

Pope encourages Mariannhill Missionaries in holiness

October 21, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: On October 21, Pope Francis addressed the general chapter of the Missionaries of Marianhill, founded in 1909 by the Servant of God Abbot Franz Pfanner.

“It is my hope that your deliberations will confirm the Congregation in its founding charism, which combines fidelity to the evangelical counsels with passion for the spread of the Gospel ‘ad gentes’ [to the nations] and the extension of Christ’s kingdom of holiness, justice and peace,” Pope Francis said.

“If the synodality to which the Church is called in our day involves walking together and listening together, surely the first voice to which we must listen should be that of the Holy Spirit,” he added.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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