Catholic World News

Pope encourages Theatines, says curial reform is inspired by Church’s mission

January 17, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: The future Pope Paul IV and St. Cajetan (Gaetano) founded the Theatines (Congregation of Clerics Regular) in 1524. On January 15, Pope Francis addressed participants in the order’s general chapter.

Pope Francis reflected on the Theatines’ identity, communion, and mission, and also briefly discussed the forthcoming document on Curial reform, as St. Cajetan’s ministry included work in the Roman Curia.

Mission, said Pope Francis, is “the fundamental orientation of the Church, in which the Risen Lord imprinted the dynamism of ‘going forth’ for evangelization, which involves every Christian and every community. The mission also inspired the writing of the new document for the Roman Curia.”

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