Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic World News

Vatican cautions against rumor of special administrator for Medjugorje

July 04, 2016

Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Vatican press office, has dismissed as "premature" rumors that the Vatican will assume direct responsibility for Medjugorje.

According to Croatian media reports, the Vatican will appoint an apostolic administrator for Medjugorje, removing the site of the reported Marian apparitions from the control of both the Franciscans who administer the local parish and the bishops who have cautioned strongly against the "Medjugorje phenomenon." But Father Lombardi said that no such decision has been made. The possibility of assigning an administrator is just one among several options under discussion, he said. 

The appointment of an apostolic administrator could resolve conflicts between the Franciscan order and the local bishops. But the establishment of a special shrine at Medjugorje would appear to signal Vatican approval for the authenticity of the many reported apparitions there. 

More than a year ago, a special commission created by the Vatican to investigate the Medjugorje phenomenon delivered its report to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). Last June, Father Lombardi told reporters that he expected an announcement on the subject from the CDF within "a few months." 


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