Paraguayan bishop removed because of ‘difficult’ relations with other bishops
September 26, 2014
Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, was removed from office because of his “difficult” relations with other bishops and priests, and not because he appointed a priest accused of sexual abuse as his vicar general, according to the director of the Holy See Press Office.
“The important problem was the relations within the episcopacy and in the local church, which were very difficult,” said Father Federico Lombardi, according to a New York Times report.
Concerns about the former vicar general, Father Carlos Urrutigoity, were “not central, albeit have been debated,” added Father Lombardi.
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Further information:
- Francis Removes Bishop Under Cloud in Paraguay (New York Times)
- Pope removes bishop of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay (Vatican Radio)
- Pope Francis replaces Paraguayan bishop (CWN, 9/25)
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Posted by: Lucius49 -
Sep. 28, 2014 1:57 PM ET USA
The Holy See did not focus on Fr. Urrutigoity. They focused on the bishops tense relationship with the other bishops of Paraguay. Something is not right here. The Pope refuses to meet with the bishop he removed. Is there no mercy for him? It was done quickly. In a conflict is only one side wrong? This bishop has all kinds of vocations to the priesthood and encourages the extraordinary form. Lots of questions remain.
Posted by: Don Vicente -
Sep. 26, 2014 10:44 PM ET USA
Sounds like some of the underlings haven't gotten the memo from Pope Francis. Bishop Livieres Plano may well be plenty orthodox -- he's in Opus Dei, after all. But the Bishop of Scranton, PA has said publicly that Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity was not suitable for ministry in his diocese due to his "posing a serious threat to young people." This doesn't seem to have made any impression upon Livieres Plano. We should remember Fr. Maciel: just because a priest TALKS a good show doesn't mean he LIVES it.
Posted by: shrink -
Sep. 26, 2014 1:07 PM ET USA
It would be very interesting and informative if we could read a dossier or bio/history on Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano. I do not ever recall in my lifetime a bishop being sacked for being disagreeable.
Posted by: feedback -
Sep. 26, 2014 6:50 AM ET USA
Let us pray all the more for the assistance and guidance of the Holy Spirit to Pope Francis