Nigerian cardinal criticizes role of sharia, says Muslim leaders must ‘rein in their mad dogs’
April 02, 2014
Nigeria’s leading prelate has briefed the German Bishops’ Conference on religion and violence in Nigeria, particularly the violence committed by members of the Islamist terrorist movement Boko Haram.
“Beyond verbal tirades by some pastors, so far I am not aware of any violent groups claiming Christian inspiration,” said Cardinal John Onaiyekan of Abuja, according to a report by the Catholic News Service of Nigeria.
“This seems to me to put a significant responsibility on our Islamic community to do more about ‘reining in their mad dogs,’” he added. “It is not immediately clear how much they are doing in this regard.”
Cardinal Onaiyekan also said that role played by sharia, which is part of the legal system in 12 of Nigeria’s 36 states, runs counter to the principle of “one nation, one law.”
“The role and place of the sharia in its many forms have been a matter of much debate and strong controversy in Nigeria,” he stated. “This is a major part of the problem of national integration.”
The nation of 175 million, Africa’s most populous, is 50% Muslim, 25% Protestant, and 15% Catholic.
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