Catholic Recipe: Provencal Salad
Also Called: Provençal Salad
This light, summery salad is from Provence, and perfect for summer days and the feast of St. Martha and St. Fiacre, the gardener.
Since Jesus told Martha to not worry about things, but to listen to His word, we should keep our meals simple on this day, and spend time outside of the kitchen to meditate on the Gospel.
Mix equal amounts of shredded celery and chopped water cress, the grated peel of 1/2 orange, 3 sprigs of chopped parsley, 6 stoned black olives, chopped, and 2 sliced tomatoes. Make a dressing of one part lemon juice and two parts olive oil. Toss just before serving.
Recipe Source: Feast Day Cookbook by Katherine Burton and Helmut Ripperger, David McKay Company, Inc., New York, 1951