Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

Catholic Recipe: Dixie Shortcake


  • 1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese
  • 3 cups well-seasoned Medium White Sauce (see recipe)
  • 1 cup cooked lima beans
  • 1 cup cooked carrots
  • 1/2 cup cooked celery
  • 6 squares hot corn bread (homemade or from mix)
  • butter
  • paprika
  • parsley


Serves: 6

Prep Time: 1 hour

Difficulty:  ★★☆☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: 11+



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A blend of cheddar cheese and veggies sandwiched between two pieces of cornbread. Use your favorite recipe for cornbread, or buy mix.


Add cheese to white sauce; stir over hot water until cheese melts. Add vegetables; heat thoroughly. Split squares of corn bread; butter lightly. Place hot vegetable mixture between layers and on top. Sprinkle with paprika; garnish with parsley. Makes 6 generous servings.

Recipe Source: Cook's Blessings, The by Demetria Taylor, Random House, New York, 1965