Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic Culture Podcasts

Catholic Recipe: Green String Beans Saint Jacques


  • 1 pound green string beans
  • 2 quarts water
  • 4 red peppers (pimentos)
  • olive oil
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • salt and pepper to taste


Prep Time: N/A

Difficulty:  ★★☆☆

Cost:  ★☆☆☆

For Ages: n/a

Origin: France


Food Categories (2)


Feasts (1)

Also Called: Haricots-Verts Saint-Jacques

A rather unusual and yet delicious way of preparing fresh string beans in honor of St. James. This dish can be served either as an appetizer or it can nicely accompany the main course of either fish, meat or eggs.


1. Wash and clean the fresh string benas. Bring 2 quarts water to boil in a large saucepan, add the beans, cover the pan, and continue boiling over medium heat until the beans are tender. Don't overdo it, for the beans must remain firm. Fresh beans from the garden will cook more quickly than beans from the market. When the beans are tender enough, drain them, and set them aside.

2. While the beans are boiling, clean the red peppers and cut them in half. Remove the seeds. Butter a flat baking dish, place th epppers on it, outside up, and press them flat to the dish. Place the dish under the broiler and thus cook the peppers until they are entirely roasted. Peel and slice them.

3. Pour olive oil into a large skillet, add the minced garlic and the roasted peppers, and saute them gently for about 1 to 2 mintues. Stir continually. Then add the beans and continue to stir over medium-low heat for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover the pan until it is time to serve. Add salt and pepper according to taste. Serve hot.

Recipe Source: This Good Food: Contemporary French Vegetarian Recipes from a Monastery Kitchen by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette