Catholic Recipe: Slow Cooker Kalua Pig


  • 4 lb pork butt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons liquid smoke
  • 2 1/4 teaspoons Hawaiian salt, or sea salt, or kosher salt


Serves: 8-10

Prep Time: 24 hours

Difficulty:  ★☆☆☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: n/a

Origin: Hawaii


Food Categories (1)


Often Made With (2)


Feasts (1)

If you have ever been to Hawaii and tasted an authentic Kalua Pig you will know that nothing compares to the tenderness and flavor. Bl. Damien no doubt feasted on this Hawaiian delicacy. The traditional dish is prepared by digging a pit or imu the size of the pig and preparing as for a closed-pit barbecue. Then line the bottom of the pit with round smooth stones, Build and start a fire, and add some extra stones (for cavity of pig). Add more wood as the fire burns to ashes (allow 4 - 5 hours). To prepare the cleaned and drawn pig: Rub the pig well inside and out with white wine, soy sauce, lemon and garlic. Place the extra heated stones in the cavity of the pig and tie legs together. Rake the ashes from the fire and reserve in a large heat-proof can or tub. Cover surface thoroughly with banana leaves. Lower the pig into the pit (in a wire basket, if desired) and surround it with heavy-duty aluminum foil-wrapped bananas, yams, and if desired, serving portions of your favorite fish, allowing one of each per person. Cover with additional banana leaves or layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil, then with a layer of hot ashes and a sheet of metal. Cover completely with earth. Roast pig about 5 hours. When ready to serve, uncover the pig and remove foiled wrapped food. Remove the pig to a board or table for carving. Now for those who are afraid to attempt such a culinary feat we offer the following simple alternative.


Pierce pork butt all over with carving fork. Rub salt and liquid smoke into meat. Cook in slow cooker on low for 16-20 hours turning once. Remove meat, shred, and then add juices from slow cooker to shredded meat. Makes six servings.

Recipe Source: Recipes from Various Websites