Catholic Prayer: Blessing of the Home with Easter Water


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There is a blessing of water during the Easter Vigil. Taking some of this Easter water home and using it to bless the house is an excellent way to incorporate the liturgy in the home.


Some of the Easter Water, the blessing of which takes place during the ceremonies at the church on Holy Saturday, should be brought home and regarded as a symbol of the family's renewal in Christ. There should be another family procession on Easter during which all of the rooms and members of the family, including any servants and friends, are blessed. The remainder of the blessed water may then be placed on the home altar.

As the rooms are sprinkled, the father may read the following prayer [Editor's Note: This blessing is from the old Sacramentary. Use a current missal to find the blessing of water from the Easter Vigil.]

Graciously hear us, Holy Lord, Almighty Father and Eternal God, that, even as You protected the homes of the Hebrew people leaving Egypt by means of the destroying angel; which homes were stained with the blood of a lamb (which prefigured our Pasch in which Christ was immolated); so may you in the same manner condescend to send your holy angel from heaven that he may guard, foster, protect, visit, and defend all the inhabitants of this dwelling. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Prayer Source: How to Make Your House a Home by Rev. Bernard Stokes, O.F.M., Family Life Bureau, Washington D.C., 1955