Catholic Prayer: Table Blessing for the Feast of St. Andrew, the Apostle


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Feast is November 30/


Reading Let us praise Saint Andrew for his courage, the first-called among the apostles and brother of Peter, their leader, for in like manner as he drew his brother to Christ, he is crying out to us: "Come, for we have found the one the world desires!" (Byzantine Office )

Responsory Verse: Saint Andrew, intercede for us with the master of all,

Response: that he may grant peace to the world.

The Lord's Prayer

Blessing We praise you, Lord Jesus Christ, for the faith of your apostle Andrew, who as soon as he heard your calling, left aside the nets which were his livelihood and without hesitation, went to follow you. May we also be ever ready to leave our worldly cares behind, and promptly follow you at all times. Bless the food and drink of your servants as you blessed many times that of your apostles, for you alone are all holy unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer Source: Table Blessings: Mealtime Prayers Throughout the Year by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette, Ave Maria Press, 1994