Catholic Prayer: Table Blessing for the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus


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Feast is October 1st.


Reading If a wild flower could talk, I imagine that it would tell us quite candidly about all God has done for it; there would be no point in hushing up his gifts to it, out of mock humility, and pretending that it was ugly, that it had no smell, that the sun had robbed it of its bloom, or the wind broken its stem, knowing that all that wasn't true. Anyhow, this isn't going to be the autobiography of a flower like that. On the contrary, I'm delighted to be able to put them on the record, the favors the Lord has shown to me, all quite undeserved (St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Autobiography).

Responsory Verse: Truly I say to you, unless you change your lives and become like little children, Response: you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Lord's Prayer

Blessing We bless you, heavenly Father, on this feast of Saint Therese. For love of you, she was willing to become as a little child, allowing you to lead her through the narrow ways of the gospel. Through her intercession, bless the food and the drink at this table, and grant that we may be spiritually filled with the good things of your house. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer Source: Table Blessings: Mealtime Prayers Throughout the Year by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette, Ave Maria Press, 1994