Catholic Activity: Catechesis for the Feast of St. Thomas
Feasts always present a good opportunity for parents to catechize their children. Simply combine a celebration of some sort - perhaps a festive dessert or game — with an explanation of the significance of that day. With the feast of St. Thomas arises an opportunity to teach children about the importance of evangelizing all the "doubters" in our society.
Although St. Thomas the Apostle's feast day has moved from December 21 to July 3 in the revision of the General Roman Calendar of 1969, December 21 still marks many customs in Europe, particularly the baking and cleaning for Christmas. The tradition of the meat pie is explained here.
The feast of St. Thomas the Apostle July 3, who said he would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead unless he could see Christ, reminds us to pray for the grace to see the whole significance of Christmas — beyond the presents and fun and decorations. This feast is to remind us of God's plan to win men back as His sons, of our own obligation to help Him with this work now that we are "other Christs," and that every act and deed must contribute to the peace that Christ wants to give all men.
Activity Source: Homemade Christians by Mary Reed Newland, George A. Pflaum, Dayton, Ohio, 1964