Catholic Activity: Annunciation: A Little Play for Preschool Children
Children love to act things out. Having them remember Biblical events, like the Annunciation is enhanced by playing out the event. Here is an example of a little play for a preschooler. One of the very best ways to learn religion is to act it. Little plays made up at home are useful in teaching some facts of religion. (Incidentally they give training in speech and help to cure self-consciousness.) As a matter of fact no Catholic home is complete without its religious theatricals.
If the family, at Christmas time, had anything like a little house for a stable of Bethlehem, it can be used for the house of Mary; otherwise any cardboard box will do. The children can furnish it with the furniture of a doll's house, putting a little chair near the door or window through which the Angel can come in. A child will love to take a paper doll angel, let him fly through the window and say, "Hail, full of grace," to the little statue of the Blessed Mother, standing by the chair.
Activity Source: Religion in the Home: Monthly Aids for the Parents of Pre-School Children by Katherine Delmonico Byles, Paulist Press, 1938