Catholic Activity: How to Teach Children From Pictures
The Church has since the earliest days used pictures in teaching the truths of the faith to her children. One of the best things about the use of pictures in instruction is that they help to form the will and the correct use of the imagination. Here are some points to remember in telling a child the story of a picture.
1. Know the subject. Read it up in the Bible or in a Life of Christ.
2. Make a list on a paper of the main points (characters, events, places).
3. Use your imagination and when you are telling the story of the Visitation, for instance, say such things as: 'Our Blessed Lady had walked miles. Think how tired she must have been. Even if she traveled part way on a donkey's back, she must have been worn out, for riding on a donkey is not like driving in a car....'
4. Learn the important words in stories. Children appreciate the wonderful poetic speech of the Bible, and nobody could improve on our Lady's speech in the Visitation story when she says: 'My soul doth magnify the Lord.'
5. Bring the story home to the children if possible. In the case of the Visitation you can say: 'We must do as the Blessed Lady did.' Then suggest a visit to see Mrs. ——, who needs help or comfort or sympathy or congratulations."
Remember when pictures are blessed by the priest, they are sacramentals.
Activity Source: How to Make Your House a Home by Rev. Bernard Stokes, O.F.M., Family Life Bureau, Washington D.C., 1955