Catholic Activity: Day Seventeen — Activities for the Seventeenth Day of Christmas


  • Candles
  • Sheet music

Prep Time




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For Ages



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Carols by Candlelight hold a special place in the hearts of most Australians as these unique events brings families together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

The inspiration for Carols by Candlelight came in Melbourne in Christmas 1937. Radio veteran Norman Banks while walking home, noticed an elderly lady sitting by her window, her face lit up by a candle as she listened and sang along to Christmas carols on the radio. He was inspired to organize the first gathering of people to sing Carols by Candlelight.

In 1938, 10,000 people gathered at Alexandra Gardens to sing carols with a choir, and the Fire Brigade Band. A new Australian Christmas tradition was born. The event started a tradition to an entire nation.

Carols by Candlelight is now held every year in the week before Christmas, when thousands of people gather in the parks of most of Australia's larger towns and cities to sing their favorite Christmas carols.

Santa's Warehouse


This is an activity that the entire family can participate in. You can do this in your own home or join together with other families. Let's enjoy one final event where we can sing all our Christmas favorites before the season ends. If the weather permits you can imitate the Australians and go outdoors. After the singing everyone can enjoy the Australian Pudding that you have made for the occasion.