The Father William Most Collection

Vatican II: Marian Council

[St. Paul Publications; Nihil Obstat: Attilius Tempra, S.S.P., Censor deputatus, Die 3 Maii, 1972; Imprimatur: + Joannes McCormack, Epus, Midensis, Datum apud Mullingar, Die 23 Maii, 1972; Printed by: Alba House, St. Paul Publications, Athlane, Ireland]

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 - Upgrading the Downgrade

Chapter 2 - Marian Council

Chapter 3 - You were bought at a price

Chapter 4 - Mother of all men

Chapter 5 - I desire to be dissolved ...

Chapter 6 - All-pervading role

Chapter 7 - Model of the Church

Chapter 8 - Virgin most faithful

Chapter 9 - Living by faith

Chapter 10 - Living out faith

Chapter 11 - Following after the cross with Mary

Chapter 12 - God is love

Chapter 13 - Love for all the sons of Mary

Chapter 14 - Feelings and love

Chapter 15 - Love of lowliness

Chapter 16 - Pondering in our hearts with Mary

Chapter 17 - Mystical Rose

Chapter 18 - Consecration to Mary

Chapter 19 - Mass with Mary

Chapter 20 - Spouse of the Spirit

Chapter 21 - Visions and revelations

Chapter 22 - Special devotions in honour of Mary

Chapter 23 - Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart


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