Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

When it comes to anti-life violence, a double standard

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Oct 18, 2012

Writing in Life Issues Connector, the newsletter of Dr. J. C. Willke’s Life Issues Institute, Executive Director Bradley Mattes points out the frightful imbalance in both the mainstream media and the Obama administration’s handling of pro-life and anti-life violence.

Recall the intense media coverage of the murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller outside his church in 2009, and recall that within hours, President Obama had announced, “I am shocked and outraged by the murder” and instructed US Marshalls to provide protection to abortionists.

Now compare this with the silence which greeted the gunman who attacked the office of the Family Research Council in Washington, DC. He wounded but was still subdued by a security guard, but had he gotten past security, he had intended to murder whomever he could find and place a Chik-fil-A sandwich on each body. He had fifteen of these sandwiches in his backpack. A pro-homosexual activist, he said he targeted FRC with the Chik-fil-A theme because of the organizations’ stance in support of traditional marriage.

Also compare it with President Obama’s dismissal of the slaughter of American soldiers at Ft. Hood as “workplace violence” while, at the same time, his Administration is busy classifying pro-life groups as potential terrorist cells. Thus Homeland Security lists in its Hot Spots of Terrorism report “Single Issue: Groups or individuals that [are focused on] very specific or narrowly-defined causes (e.g., anti-abortion….)”. The report also cites a table which purports to show a concentration of single issue terrorism, including “such attacks as anti-abortion”, but the same table fails to include any acts of violence by pro-abortion activists against pro-lifers.

Mattes cites examples of this untracked violence:

Jim Pouillon was shot and killed while he stood in front of an area high school sharing pro-life information. This June, a pro-life school bus used to transport young children was firebombed. During July, a man violently attacked pro-lifers demonstrating against Obamacare. His aggressive acts were caught on video.

But important sectors of the media tend to downplay these attacks, which do not fit the secular liberal narrative. And we have not heard that the Obama Administration has expressed shock or instructed anyone at all to protect pro-lifers.

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and See full bio.

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  • Posted by: Saint Jimbob of the Apokalypse - Oct. 19, 2012 3:37 PM ET USA

    Sorry, but it's almost like you're asking Pontius Pilate for a detail of Roman soldiers to protect Jesus from the Sanhedrin. The world will not do what is right, for it lacks the virtues and graces to do so. So, we will suffer in the course of serving God, as Jesus did before us.